bungie wrote:msolga wrote:bungie wrote:kevin needs to be careful he doesn't do a hewson ... lose an un-loseable election. Me thinks he is on the right path.
In trying to be seen to be balanced, he is tilting too far the other way
.... or lose previously un-losable Labor supporters. Where else has the left to go but green?

That pretty much sums it up msolga. I lot of people I work with have taken the same view now. We were hoping for a bit of justice for the wage earner, but all we will get is more of the same no matter who wins the election. Bob Brown seems to care more for the worker than k & jo. What ever happens, bonzai has to go and k & j need to get back to their grass roots base.
Hi bungie
Actually, I'm not so confident that Kevin07
ever had a "grassroots base", or an understanding of what that means - & that's a big part of the current problem, as I see it. He's much more the beaurocrat/international affairs specialist. Perhaps a crash course in Labor history (including "the light on the hill" & what it means to the grassroots) would not go astray. :wink:
I think Julia knows what's what, but is kept well in check by the party minders & heavies. (the same ones who are now considering possible preference deals with the likes of
Family first). She must feel rather like a ventriloquist's doll at the moment.

To a long term Labor supporter/fellow traveller like me (I've never been a member. My primary loyalty was always to trade unionism. But I'm losing faith in many of the union leaders, too. Another story.) it is quite incredible that business interests hold more sway with the current Labor "leaders" than the interests of the party's traditional support base. No, I'm not suggesting "class warfare" as a way to go.

, I mean Labor knowing which side it's on & supporting it in a positive way. Kevin07 seems to find workers & their representatives rather
unpalatable ... or something?