msolga - stop trying to depress me further! Labor cannot have any feet left to shoot themselves in.
I know you think I 'pick' on them all the time, but they just seem to go from one disastrous leader to another. And, as you say, they go to the trouble of setting up high profile people and then figuratively castrating them.
Don't be surprised come election day if they don't do a Hewson.
msolga wrote:Well, I'm certain she won't be the first or last politician to besmirch their political standing through lurve, lezzles. :wink: Say nothing of those who've indulged the odd affair or 3, or many more ... :wink: Strange & unfair, I think, that many of the men who've indulged in similar amorous activities escaped such a throrough roasting by the media, though. But I agree, she did neither herself nor her party any favours by actually defecting to the party of her love interest! However, I see this a little differently to cold bloodidly forging an alliance with Howard & the Liberals over the incredibly unpopular GST (within the Democrats' ranks & the general population) though.
As Tina said 'What's lurve got to do with it?'
It was the
betrayal that was wrong - that she could remain leader of one party while having it off with a senior member of another - and don't forget the liaison had been going on for some years before they were sprung. Of course she's not the first high profile person to have an affair and of course the media made mincemeat out of her because she was a female. And, of course, Meg's deal was a political sell out but I'll bet Cheryl's affair caused more angst among the party faithful.
But what do I know? I can't stand the Libs and I can't forgive Labor for their knee-jerk policies and clay-footed candidates. (Howard says 'black' we will say 'white)(Environment is a big issue. Let's recruit Peter Garrett. We wont let him do anything, but it will look good.)(We'll castigate Howard for his Industrial Relations policies, but the wife's business was doing pretty well thanks to them [until it all hit the fan].) etc etc etc...
In a democracy people get the government they deserve. An old saying, and probably the reason I get so shitty about our various politicians. Surely we MUST deserve better than this!
Oh, for a good old fashioned benevolent dictator!
(And if he's no good, someone else will shoot him and then they'll have a go. Great system that!
