hingehead wrote:I can live with his godbothering if it makes him a decent person - because I know JH isn't.
I'm starting to think they couldn't have manufactured a better candidate to woo disenchanted lib voters away. Think about it; christian, small business owner, hardnosed public servant, foreign affairs nouse, long time marriage with kids, non-threatening. And most important of all, a queenslander - if labour can pick up seats in queensland...
It's interesting that I had no idea that he was a god-botherer until the
7:30 Report, last night. But then sincere,
ordinary Christians have never really bothered me ... It's the ones with fiery missions to make us just like them & hidden agendas that do. And I doubt he is one of those.
Watched his interview on the 7:30 Report last night & thought: Yes, he has got an alternative vision for Oz! Delivered in a slightly stilted way (nervous? But he had good reason!), but it's there. The ALP
can present something different to the voters. Something more decent & something that appeals to ordinary Australians.
I was interested in how he made mince-meat of JH's supposed concern for "family values" on AM this morning. What sort of family life can you have when workers (family members, afterall!) are at the total mercy of bosses under the IR laws? It was refreshing to hear a Canberra politician actually see workers as real people & not just cogs in the wheels of "The Economy". Hey, we're entitled to some sort of decent life, some fairness of treatment, work is not our only function in this country!
About being a "silvertail". I can't see that, myself. A nerdish, bookish person , perhaps. Or that is the way he could be perceived. But Rudd did not exactly get an easy ride to where he is now. He grew up on a diary farm, lost his father at an early age. Life was a struggle, but he got ahead because he was intelligent, ambitious & possibly because he had faith (of the religious sort). Though that's unknown territory to me.
Another thing that struck me, watching the mini 7:30 Report biography is that he's had some
shocking haircuts in his time!

Stylish he's not.
So I've been thinking today: the ALP can do much worse than Kevin Rudd in 2006. (& I
love the idea of Julia as a balance to all that earnestness & bookishness!) I was delighted to hear that some federal politicians broke with factional allegiances to vote for the Rudd/Gillard team. That is the most positive thing I've heard about the ALP for yonks! Even more delighted to hear that there is going to be a shake-up of the shadow cabinet
not based on factional deals! (Rudd is unaligned) This is the healthiest thing for the ALP & the country in ages. Now let's see what they do with it.