Personally, I think it was the right decision. Though Julia as opposition leader would have been
much more interesting! (I agree with hinge, there.) But ... being a realist these days (

) that wasn't really possible .... Anyway, I think they'll definitely give it their best shot. I think we'll be able to tell how much impact they're actually having by the nature of the responses of JH, Alexander, Tony & Peter.
The thing is, Labor
should have been making far more mileage in response to the the horrors of this government. And Kim just wasn't capitalizing on issues he should have made major capital on. Besides, his view of the Iraq invasion, "terrorism", children over-board were not that much different to JH's, so Labor didn't really offer an alternative.
I'm saddened to hear that Kim Beazley's brother died today. And that he's reconsidering his political future. A sad, black day for poor old Beazles.