Voting day today in Victoria. "The most boring campaign ever", as media commentators have called it, has suddenly gotten a wee bit interesting! The Libs appear to be making up a bit of ground, which will make it a bit more of a competition. But the most interesting thing is one aspect, where both parties (AND the Exclusive Brethren!) are in complete agreement about:
those Greens have got to be kept out, no matter what! It's very interesting to watch, the Greens are seen as a real threat for the first time ever. They could even win a few seats in the house of reps., say nothing of the Legislative Council. And it's got a lot of people very, very worried. Yesterday the Exclusive Brethren placed a full page, ant-Greens ad. in the papers. And the Labor Party had to bring in Peter Garrett to do a bit of street campaigning & baby kissing in the streets of Bronwyn Pyke's (Health minister) electorate. It's
that close! The Greens' candidate is looking very good there & in other inner-city electorates.
I would have posted Tanberg's cartoon, showing this unity of (anti-Greens) purpose by the Libs & Labor, but sadly it hasn't appeared in today's online edition of the AGE. (A Fairfax conspiracy, perhaps? :wink:

Anyway, this election is suddenly looking interesting!
Go, Greens! Give em a run for their money!