dadpad wrote:I've been feeling decidedly green myself lately. However the local greens candiate is a dipstick.
I can see a donkey vote coming.
I've got a feeling that donkey will control the Senate majority.
Pity about the dipstick, but you are right - the vote for the individual not the party. But it's hard these days to know the individual, they're surrounded by PR people and spin doctors, and they're terrified of displaying any attitudes or thoughts that are considered 'electorally unfriendly' so we just get blah.
Which is one of the reasons I liked Keating - at least he'd express an opinion without worrying about how the polls or Jones/Laws would see it, and have some sort of intelligent discourse on why it was his opinion.
Current pollies? Bob Brown - just for being the only one to stick his head up when 30 years ago then entire parliament would have been protesting things like children overboard, the Howard's ongoing Bush fellatio, et al.
Sadly, that's about it. I had hopes that with the increasing number of women MPs things would get saner - but the only one I have any personal experience of is Jackie Kelly - and she's a nutbag (well, if I was kinder: woefully out of place). Howard's method of threatening back benchers with losing their preselection if they don't tow the line is only now starting to lose its power. At least Labor separates leadership from that stuff - although they have enough problems with branch stacking and left/right squabbles.
What i'd give to have the original US non party system, just a bunch of independents. They managed it for over half a century before parties became the norm.