lezzles wrote:Sorry for being so maudlin..........

Not at all, lezzles. I know
exactly how you feel!
Actually I'm not sure why I haven't totally switched off, myself, the whole spectacle is so disgusting & disillusioning. But then, I figure folks all over the place are equally, if not more, shat off ... imagine if you had to wake up every day knowing it was another day with George Bush as your president! Or you were a British Labour Party member trying to come to terms with what Tony Blair has done! <sigh>
The thing I can't cope at all well with is the apathy of Australian voters. I mean, there's Iraq, the appalling IR laws, the ABC, the AWB scandal, David Hicks, detention centres, the sell-out of public education & the public health system..... etc, etc, etc, etc. Yet nothing but interest rates & mortgages seems to register! I don't get it!!!!!
Anyway, disillusioned or not, you will agree that it's impossible to completely ignore this stuff, yes? So you are most welcome to post & grumble, be cynical, whatever.... anytime the spirit moves you.
Thanks for your kind words.
What's the story with, Bryce Gaudry? Why was he dumped? Haven't heard anything about it here.