lezzles wrote:Wouldn't you think that since, collectively, they've had sixty years to think about it they would have come up with an answer?

Well, yes, but I suppose it's
something that they've actually identified the "problem"?
One thing's for certain, when the stuff-up actually happens, it'll be the previous government's fault! (Which ever party's in power.)
But the baby boomers have taken politicians be surprise time & time again. First they hit primary school & there was enormous surprise that there weren't enough classrooms, or teachers. (Where did all these kids come from?

Then they hit secondary school & they had to build those "temporary" classrooms (which we still have!) because state governments were so surprised at the sudden, mighty influx of students. And remember the teacher shortage crisis?
The trouble is they've stopped, or drastically cut, training schemes (& govt sponsored scholarships) for plumbers, teachers, electricians, just about
anything. (When was the last time you saw a plumber under 50 years of age?)
So there won't be enough reinforcements when the baby boomers try to retire!
So the answer is simple, really: Keep upping the retirement age!
Keep those baby boomers working! (W
Hell, we can't keep poaching skilled workers from Asia indefinitely, can we?)
75 year old plumbers, 80 year old teachers!
Problem solved: we can all die on the job!
No retirement pensions required!
(Just keep on saving for your old age margo! :wink: )