did you do that on purpose, pan?
i'm not supposed to laugh at my desk.
serious business, doncha know.
(i know that's a digression, but really, pan!)
What! What did I do? spelled it wrong?
I mean, isn't it like a Pepys piece?
I thought the article was fair and right on the money except that Mr. Sullivan was easier on bush that, IMO. he deserves.
Other than that I found it hard to disagree with anything he said.
Ticomaya, sorry it took so long to respond to your original response post. I've been very busy doing precinct work. By default, I ended up being responsible for two precincts that didn't have any volunteers. I guess that confirms the old military warning to "never volunteer for anything." I will be so happy when this election is over and we can get back to the trivia in our country.
The main reason there was such a plethora of articles that I posted in one day is that I had a few hours free of my precinct work and tried to catch up on articles that I thought might interest A2Kers.
I'm not thrilled about having to explain my posting style to new waves of newbies, but do so to inform. I'm uncomfortable when my style displaces discussion of my topics.
I've explained my style for some of my posts. I see no need to blather on about an article that someone else wrote, as if filtering through me could make it any clearer. I sometimes add my own comments re the article and sometimes don't.
People often ask me why I post entire articles instead of just links. I post links if I'm confident the linked article will be easily available for a long time. Links of news articles don't last long, making posting the entire article necessary. Finding articles in archives is a tedious task and sometimes not successful.
I often try to find competing opinions on a topic to represent differing points of view.
If you will click on the search button to find BumbleBeeBoogie's posting history, I think you will find an extraordinary variety of topics I've posted from original writing, poetry, recipes, etc.
My best excuse is that I'm 75 years old and getting lazy.