Joahaeyo wrote:Quote:How can the people who accept this god...absolutely rule out the possibility that the god wants the abortion performed?
Maybe if we were in Heaven (and let's just say for argument sake there was sin), then He would decide what was best for the woman who is pregnant due to being raped or flat-out was unwanted/unplanned. There is just not scripture for us that say "we" should have the final authority to have at destroying the life of the unborn, just that we should protect it.
I thank you for at least attempting to deal with my post. quoted my question...and then simply ignored it rather than actually answering it. So allow me to ask it again:
Quote:How can the people who accept this god...absolutely rule out the possibility that the god wants the abortion performed?
Quote:Going back to "Thou shall not kill."
At what point is the baby either non-living or non-human? The heart starts beating at about 3 weeks of gestation. Brainwaves start about 40 days after conception. Aren't people considered dead when their brain stops functioning? Why not consider them alive when their brain starts functioning? At the point of conception when the 23 chromosomes from mom and dad come together - that is an alive human being that has not yet formed to maturity. At no point in reproduction is the human not alive. At no point is that human genetically anything other than human.
But the point you are overlooking is that at no point is the embryo or the fetus...anything other than an embryo or a fetus. It is not recognized as a PERSON by law. If you disagree with that...I suggest you try declaring an embryo or a fetus as a dependent on your tax return...and see what the courts rule.
Quote:A fetus is separate from the woman's body (has separate DNA) and so considered an innocent human life.
Only by someone who insist that is the case despite the fact that law...and who is blinded by "belief" to the point where she will say things that obviously are not so.
A fetus is entirely dependent upon the woman carrying is not separate from it physically or biologically.
And if the woman decides she no longer wishes to host the fetus...she should be allowed to terminate it.
Quote:How do you know your god...forseeing great danger to the eternal soul of this "human" because it would be born into a situation where it would even begin its life as "unwanted"...decided to take the soul into Heaven rather than subjecting it to the rigors of "the test?"
Even if the life is unwanted, there are people who stay on the waiting list for adoption for 12+ yrs. God always have his reasons that may not be seen until much later. An example: When this unwanted child is older and told that she is the product of a 15 year old being raped and that this young woman decided to keep her, she is alive and can appreciate such a sacrifice. What choice would she have prefered her mother make? Kill her or give her to a loving family? Which choice showed love? Which choice showed compassion? Which choice was right? ...and finally WWJD?

Once again, as up above, you quoted my question...and then simply ignored it rather than answering it. So, I will take this opportunity to ask it again:
Quote:How do you know your god...forseeing great danger to the eternal soul of this "human" because it would be born into a situation where it would even begin its life as "unwanted"...decided to take the soul into Heaven rather than subjecting it to the rigors of "the test?"
Quote:I believe that the value of a human life comes before the race or creed of any individual person. do I. But what does that have to do with this discussion?
Quote:Also, though this may be another entirely different subject all together, Christians are in the belief that even our toughest struggles are to bring us closer to Christ. The reason "I" feel he'd rather have us go through these trials, is because God knows what we can handle/what we cannot. When we're one day reunited with Him, we can then ask him (if we didn't later figure out ourselves) why we had to suffer through such a thing. Until then, we must trust He has a plan. certainly are entitled to your "belief."
But what if you don't ever get that chance, because you end up in Hell.
Of what value is it to a soul...if it is "saved" from abortion....(and an eternity in Heaven with God)...and then ends up in Hell?
Do you think that a few years struggling here on planet Earth are worth it if ALL OF ETERNITY is spent in Hell rather than Heaven?
Once are braver than some in that you have at least attempted to deal with these questions.