Sun 2 Feb, 2003 06:20 am
What has Senator Kerry Of Massachusettes, a possible candidate for President in 2004, done to help the homeless Vet population in Boston?
By the way, what exactly has Democrat Kerry ever done to help the citizens of the Commonwealth. If he can't help the small state of Masschusetts, what could he possibly do to help the 200 milion+ citizens of the USA?
well, i have to admit that i don't know, is there some information you would like to share?
I'll try to post a link to a story about a homeless shelter for Vets in the Boston area. The shelter may have to close, due to an electric bill amounting about $160,000. If the bill is unpaid, the power will be shut off on Wednesday.
This is not about the Boston shelter, but about Kerry "taking" care of vets.
Why not the Vets in Boston...especially the homeless vets.
ok i read the article but i am not sure i understand the connection.
Senator Kerry is pretty cool. I'm sure he's got his problems, but everytime I send a letter out telling him how I feel, he writes back saying he feels that way too.
Kerry has done close to nothing for the citizens of Massachusetts since he became Senator.
New Haven: while i admit to having little knowledge of Sen Kerry either pro or con, i await actual information as to what he has done or not done as a Senator representing Massachusetts, to state that he has done nothing does little to clarify my understanding of your position. I might very well say the President Bush has done nothing to provide for the defense of our nation, but without clarification of information, i am sure my statement would be meaningless.
"A crow will lead you to an empty barn,
A parrot to sugar."
Kerry has done nothing to help the Vet's homeless shelter in Boston, to pay their electric bill, which is now over $100,000.
If he had done something, the shelter would NOT be closing this coming Wednesday.
new haven: can you provide a link or reference to something indicating what he could have done as a U.S. Senator that he didn't do.
this guy obviously thinks Kerry's evil - I can't plow through that rhetoric to get to the meat, I'll leave it to someone else....
Nguye^~n Sinh Cong's take
and in this blip on his home page, he received praise from the vets of the cape and islands
Dyslexia - I have looked on and off all afternoon for info about Kerry and any past action he's taken in favor of or against VietVets. I posted the above links..... I can't find anything specific. I sure would like NH to be more specific.
Paid for by John Kerry for President - prolly not unbiased...
Viet Vet Aid
Hmmmmm, maybe NH should be irrate at Bush....
Bush's Fault?
From what I have seen on this short thread NH has provided exactly zero to back his claim against Kerry but sticks to it anyway.
Can we assume that NH has already decided on Bush for 2004?
Kerry is married to a billionaire. Ms Heinz could easily donate together with Kerry at least $100,000 to the shelter.
Has done this? NO
Has he commented on this in the press?
Is he as smart as Kennedy? No
Will he be elected President? No
There's no doubt that President Bush will win in 2004.
Look at the tiny state of Massachusetts that claimed they would have a Dem as Governor.
Ha!Ha! So long Jane and so long Shannon.
Welcome to Gov. Romney. WHo DID contribute $10,000 to the homeless shelter. Good for you Mitt. I voted for you and I will vote for He-Man Bush and never Kerry.
President Bush is the President of the USA. A solid Republican and not a running nose Dem.
The least that Kerry could do for the homeless Vets is donate a jar of pickles. Would Ms Heinz allow Kerry to donate one little jar of pickles?
Maybe she would donate cash equal to Gov.Mitt R.