In an upcoming interview with Hannity and Colmes, President Bush said it is
"up in the air" whether the US can ever be fully safe from another terror attack.
Kerry ridiculed that statement, suggesting it echoed an earlier statement by Bush that the war on terror could not be won.
Kerry said:
"You make me president of the United States, we're going to win the war on terror," Kerry said at an evening rally in Boca Raton, Fla. "It's not going to be up in the air whether or not we make America safe."
Wasn't Kerry just criticizing Bush during the debates for not "shooting straight with the American people"? For trying to paint a rosy picture of the current situation. Yet when Bush appears to be frank about the realities of terrorists, here Kerry is willing to make a bold and completely unsupportable prediction about his chances of success on the war on terror should he be Commander in Chief. I suppose this latest statement is no worse than his predictions that he will get France and Germany to send troops to Iraq if he is given the chance to be President and hold an international summit or two.
This is just yet another example of Kerry's constant pandering. He will do or say absolutely anything if he thinks it might get him a vote. He does not appear to have any standards.