Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:42 am
GIve me SOme clue or idea...thx
Have them read more. This will help them grasp word usage and progression. Might have them listen to or watch short audio/visual books and movies and have them write transcripts while doing so. It depends upon how advanced the student is. Encourage them to speak English at every opprtunity.
Since english is not my native tongue, I can vouch for that:
reading newspapers and books will definitely improve
writing skills and expand the vocabulary.
I'm wondering about the English language skills of the person asking the question. Specifically:
--Using the numeral "1" instead of "-one" is inappropriate here.
--Using the verb "make" the student write better defies logic. One can encourage or teach, but the implied force behind "make" is not realistic.
--ESL should be in all caps, and the indefinite article preceding it should be "an".
Perhaps the ESL student should seek a teacher with excellent English language skills.
I've tutored ESL students for many years, usually in conversation, occasionally in writing.
Writing is very structured and requires a set of skills somewhat different from those used for speaking.
I suggest you think about what you want to say before you write it. Plan. Organize. And then write, using the simplest language and sentence structure that feel comfortable. Don't worry about complicated sentences and fancy vocabulary. Just try to convey your thoughts in written form--simply and directly.
You can work on vocabulary by reading, reading, reading. While you're reading, try to notice how the words are strung together. What goes with what.
Good luck.
I say get into a regular schedule of reading to yourself every night before you go to bed. Don't think of it as an assignment...just read some interesting stories and do it for fun, and let the neural network in your brain do the rest.
This is kind of ironic advice for me to give considering that I haven't read a book in the last 10 or 11 years...but it is the best advice I can give