Cheesehead Central

Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 04:41 pm
Good evening. Perhaps your interest in nfl is confined only to the Packers, but if you are so inclined, you are welcome to post your predictions for all 16 nfl games this weekend on a thread that kicky started and I now moderate. We'd love to have yall join us. -johnboy (Favre rocks; go Packers)
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 06:19 pm
jpinMilwaukee wrote:
If it ended today the pack would be sitting pretty good. St Louis in GB which should be a win... of course it looks like the road to the superbowl will be going through Philly this year.
Actually, if it ended today; St. Louis would host Minnesota and we'd be hosting Seattle... which I'd like even better (NEVER liked Holmgren Twisted Evil)! Then we'd travel to Atlanta... who seems to be sliding a bit, before going to Philly. As long as we're dreaming, I should also point out that if the winner of the Rams/Vikings game beat Philly, while we were beating Atlanta, we would be hosting them at Lambeau Field for the NFC Championship! Razz

RJB, I confess I generally only pay attention to other teams as they relate to the Packers unless I'm gambling and I haven't been into it this year.
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 10:39 am
I liked Holmgren. For a while. Retroactively tarnished with how he acted post-Superbowl. Grr.

I'm afraid that I too pay much less attention to the league as a whole than the Packers. Used to, but just don't watch TV much anymore, period, and already a struggle to fit a full Packers game in. Boring if I'm not actually watching it. (Like, I know Peyton Manning is good, read that much in the sports pages, but if I don't actually watch him it's all kinda eh.)
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 11:08 am
When Holmgren started, and Brett was getting creamed on every other play, behind a crappy O-Line in obvious pass situations, he wouldn't call a shotgun because he "didn't believe in them". IDIOT! That's all it took for me. Then when he coached us out of the Superbowl (the year before we went) by going into Prevent Mode to begin the second half (we were killing Dallas before that), it turned into something resembling hatred. His terrible clock management foolishness "prevented" us from winning way more than a few games. I've always maintained that Brett carried Holmgren to the Superbowl, despite his terrible coaching. The man never learned how to finish... and I'll be just gitty when Seattle tells him he's finished. :razz: Mike Holmgren should get down on his knees and thank Brett for providing him such rich, rewarding, unearned career.

Don't miss the Detroit game Sunday Sozobe. They've moved it the late afternoon slot (same thing next week) so it should be available to most of the country on regular TV!
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 11:33 am
(((((((( BILL ))))))))

I dunno about you........but I feel a lil Christmas cheer comin' on!

Deck your head with cheeseheads yellow, fa la la la la, la la la la!
Then you'll be a merry fellow, fa la la la la, la la la la!
Don we now our green apparel, fa la la la la, la la la la!
And we'll sing some Packer carols, fa la la la la, la la la la!

An early Merry Christmas to you darlin'!

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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 11:51 am
((((((( Brooklyn ))))))) I'm smiling ear-to-ear, thank you so much! And an early very Merry Christmas to you too, Darlin! (I'll be thinking about you...)

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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 06:41 pm
Yikes. Good thing we only had the Lions today. Shocked
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 06:42 pm
That was was not at all pretty, but a win is a win.
Go, Cheesers!
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 07:51 pm
I think they made a grave error when Rogers hard sacked Brett, unabated on that encroachment. It's never a good idea to punish him physically. He doesn't respond like normal people. :wink:

The Jags next week are several notches above the Lions. A win against them could give us our much-needed swagger back. Brett's good when he's pissed, but he's unstoppable when he's having fun!

Go Packers!
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 08:39 am
Well that was a close one cheesheads...

You are so right about Rogers, O'bill... I think he single handedly gave that game away. After Rogers got up. Brett pounded his fists on the ground... I'm thinking to myself, "Uh Oh... he's pissed off now." Game. Set. Match.
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 08:53 am
Egg-zactly. I've talked about this before, he reminds me of Michael Jordan that way -- almost bored until something happens to get him mad, even if that's getting hurt, and then watch out!!!

The Jags are several notches above the Lions, but they're Floridians going to play on the frozen tundra. The frozen tundra was definitely a factor in the Lions game, or at least that blustery wind.

People get way intimidated about playing at Lambeau this time of year, and the defense loves that. Still up to Brett and Ahman (among others) to deliver the offensive goods, though.

We're at the top of the conference, though!!! Remember when we were 1-4? Dang.
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 10:12 am
EXCELLENT POINT Sozobe! As a 10 year transplant to Florida I testify to the FACT that I am now a sissy when it comes to Wisconsin weather. Last year I used a heavy blanket as a scarf along with multiple layers to brave Lambeau Field in December. My options were: wear so much clothing I could barely move or suffer frostbite and/or hypothermia and be carried away a human ice cube. I don't believe there was any middle ground. :wink:
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 10:30 am

I think being able to bear the cold is something that happens every season as the temperatures gradually fall. I know that I'll wear a coat when it's 60 in September and will wear a sundress when it's 60 in April. ;-) I used to go to Florida every winter to visit my grandma, and I'd leave Minnesota when it was say zero and perfectly bearable, I'd return after a couple of weeks in Florida and zero would seem like cruel and unusual punishment.
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 10:46 am
Ah, yes, I remember that... and maybe even to the lower 50's. Once, after a couple years of absence from the cold altogether (no winter visits), I reacted with irrational anger. I said to my friends "you people are f*&king crazy through tightly clinched teeth" and meant it... and briefly didn't comprehend why this delighted them so.

As much as I despise the cold, I badly miss the quality people who've learned to endure it. My visits have gotten more and more frequent and I'm actually considering moving back... though probably not this time of year.
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 10:54 am
You do seem like more of a Midwesterner than a Floridian, can imagine that you'd feel more at home if you moved back -- though living outside of your comfort level has its own benefits.

I know what you mean about people, I talked about that in L.A. all the time -- those people wouldn't last 10 minutes in below-zero temps, and I didn't think that was to their credit. I have an elaborate theory about cold weather and work ethic, though now I don't remember where my theory ends and Craven's starts...
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 10:56 am
It's not the cold that bothers me... it's the snow. It looks real pretty for a couple of hours then just gets all dirty, grey, and nasty.
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 10:58 am
Depends on where you live. (I know what you mean, though.) Right now I've got a gorgeous backyard that looks lovely covered in snow and will probably melt before it goes gray. (Don't mind me, new homeowner getting mushy is all... first time I've seen snow in my really MY backyard...)
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 11:20 am
Congratulations on that fine backyard Sozobe! However you want to distribute the credit for your work ethic theory makes no difference to me- I'll endorse it without even hearing it! (My, once insane, work ethic has traveled more than half way to hell. :wink:)

JP, I always felt the opposite. I loved the snow and remember always being reasonably warm while it was snowing. It's that 20 to -30 crap that I hated, when it's too cold to snow. I didn't live in the city, though, and I'll bet that provides a different perspective on convenience as well as cleanliness?
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 11:34 am
Oh you can believe it... what few parking spots we have are soon occupied by huge masses of garbage/cigarette butt infested piles of gray ice. Salt all over your car/clothes/shoes/house. Not to mention it just making you cold and damp.

If I had more free time to go cross-country sking or snowboarding or something, I might have a different opinion of snow... but for now it is just a nuisance... not mention having to shovel.

That being said... there isn't much more magical thing than waking up Christmas morning to a beautiful fresh snowfall... as long as it is gone by New Years :LOL:
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 12:42 pm
It wasn't easy. But this week's Packer victory makes me wanna have fun.
It's poking-punching-slapping Gus time!

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