Thu 16 Feb, 2017 06:55 pm
Question: When/how did demmunists all become russophobes?? I mean, I can understand how Soros, the KKKlintlers, and the deep-state types want Russia as a permanent adversary since no other plausible ally can justify all the fat-cat-pocket-lining technology, but how did all the little press weasels and the ordinary schlamiels and schlamozzles who VOTE for those idiots become russophobes???
I mean, Russia is a Christian nation for God's sake...
I know, I know, "Evil Russians fucked the poor hildabeast out of the white house with hacking and fake news..."
But are they really that stupid? Do the schlamiels and schlamozzles really believe that ****??
Who? The entire USA save for a few rational souls.
When? Around 1918
How? US propaganda
The United States is a democracy. It is not a Christian country (although ironically, the KKK is a Christian organization).
That is why the United States is different than Russian. Anyone who loves freedom fears Russia. Even Ronald Reagan understood that.
Ronald Reagan didn't understand anything. Combined with GWB and Trump, they are the triumvirate of stupidity.