The one closets to the pond?
Im sorry..Im kidding on a serious issue.
The police forces are downsized...lets be PC here

They arent gone, they arent failing to do their jobs, are they?
Another thing to consider when talking about the size of the police force - how many cops does it take to do a detail for a closed lane on the expressway because a pothole needs to be filled?
It can't take 5 of them, but that's how many I saw the other night for just that.
The forces will be thin, but I also think that there needs to be an overhaul about how they're distributed. Even in the best of times, there are more sargents and fewer patrolmen. Cops sit on the side of the road for speedtraps for ticket quotas, but don't walk or even drive neighborhood beats anymore. We need more active and visible police forces overall, not just in wartime.
Budget cutbacks aren't helping either. There have been hiring freezes statewide for 2 years because of a lack of money - we're paying for it now. Little brother is on the cop list for the 2nd time. He'll miss it again this time because he won't be here but in NY.
Didnt realize the local police had anything to do with Osama or Whitey...thats quite interesting.
Sug..misses it again..just dumb luck, but Im sure itll all work out fine in the end.
It is pretty amazing that it takes so many to organize road traffic, its completely a Mass. thing my travels South I had one lone man stop three lanes and in a great organized manner had all under was quite a thing to see.
Littlek, an interesting thread.
I heard an interview on NPR a couple of weeks ago with a sheriff in a southern state who was worried about homeland security because so many of the police also had second jobs with emergency services, such as driving ambulances and serving as volunteers for the local fire department. She asked how they could possibly perform adequate homeland security when so many of the personel have overlapping jobs. What would happen if a cop was tracking down a terrorist when a call came in that he was needed on a major fire?
States also are not receiving adequate funding to provide the kind of homeland security that is recommended. There are so many tough questions that aren't being answered by the government.
Hi All, With the huge national and state deficits, high unemployment rates, and greater hate for America in the Middle East, it's the worst of times to sacrifice on our homeland security. IMHO, I would rather see nonviolent prisoners with minor crimes to be released from our prison system, and increase our local police and sheriffs. When we are spending somewhere upwards of $30,000 per year on prisoners, it's not the most efficient way to spend our limited resources. c.i.
If Osama rode through Cambridge Ma on a camel, do you think the police would do something? Like arrest him?
Thats pretty obvious...what DO YOU think they'd do.
nevermind..I probalby dont want to know.
If a number of Police are being called to active duty then maybe there will be less chance of one getting a no seat belt citation, this is not all bad
So, Ibredd, how many citations have yu gotten for no seat belts?

Just an update - little brother was recalled. Has to report tomorrow.