The WH is now the marketing tool for Ivanka

Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 03:42 pm
Trump cheapens the stature of the presidency of this country with every tweet.
This man-child with such a thin skin he needs to respond to every negative comment about him shows why he is not qualified to be the leader of any country, much less the most powerful. He's already alienated some of our closest allies. What more harm will he accomplish in his honeymoon period?
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Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 04:34 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Awesome how his tweets against Nordstrom improved their sales and market value. Win win win for Nordstrom. It may be why two other companies have now dropped Ivanka's line - hoping for free publicity from the White House.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 04:46 pm
I see you never studied Economics. You prize your ignorance so much, you prove it with every post you make.
World trade is here to stay. It's called "comparative advantage." Study it, some time.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 05:28 pm
Have you seen this headline yet?

Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch says Trump's attacks on judiciary are 'demoralizing'
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 05:38 pm
so what does that mean ?
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 05:41 pm
@D A T,
It means he said that and it is described in a news story. Which you could google if so inclined.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 05:44 pm
Foofie, Truth really hurts, doesn't it? LOL
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Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 05:45 pm
maybe i will if i get bored. But there is so much media bullshit that its nice to chat with you here about your opinion.
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Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 05:45 pm
I hadn't. Naturally, re my own concerns, I was cool to all three possible SC possibles, but from my reading, I took Gorsuch as least worst.
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Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 06:32 pm
I saw that. Looks like he might not be the very best choice for the current president.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 06:56 pm
I don't like any of his choices. It's like choosing from stink, stank and stunk.
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 01:38 am
This is the BBC take.

Democrats have condemned President Donald Trump's tweet attacking a clothing retailer after it dropped a fashion line owned by his daughter.

A spokesman for Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey said the senator "feels it is unethical and inappropriate for the president to lash out at a private company for refusing to enrich his family".

Norm Eisen, who served as ethics tsar under President Barack Obama, called the move "outrageous" and advised Nordstrom to sue Mr Trump under the California Unfair Competition Law.

In 1950 President Harry Truman penned an angry letter to Washington Post music critic Paul Hume, who had panned a singing performance by the president's daughter, Margaret. Sixty-six years later, another president has come to the defence of his offspring.

For Truman, the incident led to widespread ridicule. Donald Trump's Twitter attack on Nordstrom may have graver consequences, however, calling into question the appropriateness of a president using his public megaphone not just to protect a daughter's honour, but to advance the family's business interests as well.

Mr Trump has slammed companies before, but that at least has been in the name of advancing US economic interests. This is different. This is personal.

Ethics experts have warned that Mr Trump's assurances of a "firewall" between his presidency and his family's financial concerns was insufficient. Now the president has provided a new, key piece of supporting evidence that could very well be cited in lawsuits trying to force Mr Trump to fully divest from his business empire.

The irony is that Mr Trump's efforts may backfire. Would any retailer want a partnership with Ivanka Trump knowing they risk the ire of the president and his supporters if things go sour?

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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 04:28 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You prize your ignorance so much, you prove it with every post you make.

If you do choose to keep up this silly anti-Trump tantrum for the next eight (or god forbid, twenty) years, could you maybe refrain from name-calling against everyone who doesn't hate Trump?
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 08:52 am
izzythepush wrote:

This is the BBC take.

The irony is that Mr Trump's efforts may backfire.


it didn't just backfire

Nordstrom stock did something nobody expected: It surged.

still climbing this morning

Code:Nordstrom, Inc.
NYSE: JWN - Feb 9, 9:48 AM EST
45.32USDPrice increase0.79 (1.77%)

Marshalls and TJMaxx are also out of the Ivanka business now. Not sure if it's the lawsuit over stolen shoe design or the weak sales of the past couple of years, but the tweets seem to have made the decision a good one.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 12:39 pm
This is comical. I guess Trump is a good businessman for others.
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 01:29 pm
ehBeth wrote:

Looks like he might not be the very best choice for the current president.

Looks like he gave himself a royal screw! So much for the BLUE BLOOD candidate!

Now let's give the BLUE COLLAR candidate a chance....
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 02:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I doubt there's much overlap between Ivanka's target audience, fashionable, chic young women, and Trump's supporters who think chic means two bottles of thunderbird and wiping your arse.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2017 03:38 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I see you never studied Economics. You prize your ignorance so much, you prove it with every post you make.
World trade is here to stay. It's called "comparative advantage." Study it, some time.

Notice how you do not make an argument without personalizing your reply with put-downs. Do you really understand the preferences of those that voted in those battle ground states for Trump. All of those voters might not have your goals/preferences.

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