The WH is now the marketing tool for Ivanka

Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2017 05:59 pm
So you meant to say "Now he's gained more moment due to people like you who have voted for that imbecile"?

There's no reason that that meaning couldn't become one that denotes "importance", "in the now", although I'm certainly not suggesting it now does.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2017 06:13 pm
I see we have yet another thread on a somewhat serious topic/matter and several miscreants* once more choose to litter the pages with their usual snipes. (then down the road they'll bemoan with bewilderment the lack of input in these pages)

*The miscreants know who (and what) they are (and are doing), no need to list their names.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2017 07:13 pm
Probably how "Ad momentum" meaning "for a moment" makes it make sense to use the Spanish word for "moment" in that particular sentence. Seems like spinning to me, but hey, don't let me stop you.
Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2017 08:03 pm
I never did, nimh. Other than that see what Sturgis said!
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:38 am
CalamityJane wrote:
Okay, none of what you said makes sense,

Sure it does. It just makes liberals unhappy.

CalamityJane wrote:
Tax audits towards the Leftist goons as you say?


CalamityJane wrote:
Because they have usually more money than the average Trump supporter due to better education, job security and affluence?

No. To punish them for all the harm they cause to innocent people.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:40 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
That people can support Trump the racial bigot and liar speaks loads about his supporters.

Is the Left going to throw a tantrum and falsely accuse everyone of racism for the entire eight years of Mr. Trump's presidency?

For the entire twenty year period of Republican control over the White House?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:41 am
CalamityJane wrote:
Yes, that's why they voted Betsey in as secretary of education. It's laughable if it wasn't so sad. The only ones who really will suffer under DeVos are the very same people who voted for Trump. I just don't understand for the life of me why Trump supporters don't even get some sort of enlightenment in all of this.

Oh please. Not the "if people were smart they'd vote for liberals so that liberals can take care of them".

People don't want liberals to take care of them. They want liberals to stop violating the Second Amendment.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:43 am
izzythepush wrote:
Now they've voted him in they're not going to find it easy admitting they were wrong, they'll gloss over his racism and sexism, and believe the hype about a lying mainstream media and job creation.

Democratic hysteria about racism and sexism will indeed be ignored by the voting masses.

But the masses were not wrong to vote for Trump. The Democrats were on the verge of eradicating the Second Amendment before Trump's election put a stop to it. We just barely managed to save our country.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2017 04:47 am
Trump will also have plenty of momentos of his time in the Whitehouse. If we survive it.

Having said that I'm not going to presume to say what you meant or take issue with the vernacular you're using. Nitpicking about meaning means not having to address issues raised. It's a diversionary tactic.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2017 03:53 pm
CalamityJane wrote:

Foofie, as long as you define yourself and others through your (and others)
religion, you haven't evolved at all.

Unless one perceives certain brands of religion as an impediment to using one's God given brains.
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2017 03:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Best Answer:  Statistics have shown that the average College entrant has an IQ of about 108. The average highschool graduate; 103.

The average IQ of someone completing a bachelor of arts; 110. Bachelor of science; 115.

But college proves your minimum IQ.

IQ is only a measure of precociousness. It does not measure intelligence. There seems to be a correlation between certain ranges of IQ and creativity or professional careers.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2017 03:59 pm
God doesn't "give" brains.
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2017 04:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

God doesn't "give" brains.

He told you?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2017 05:09 pm
No. God doesn't exist; he's a figment of people's imagination.
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