ebrown_p wrote: Bill, if I were a terrorist I would love you.
When the country has this "Zero Tolerance" attitude, it plays right into the hands of the terrorists. The terrorists goal is to maximize fear in their target country and anger in their base country. That is exactly what your macho rhetoric does.
With all due respect, Ebrown, this is even more simplistic than my stance. Terrorists become terrorists for real reasons with real goals... They are desperate to affect some kind of change, somehow and probably feel they have run out of options. I don't think many do it just do it for the love of the hate. Restricting your response to their crimes against humanity, because you fear their response to yours, is what plays into their hands.
That is when they know they're succeeding. Only when all people understand that NOTHING can be achieved through terrorism will we have a chance to defeat it. For as long as the powers that be cave in to terrorist demands, terrorism will continue to be a viable, effective, even prudent solution for the overmatched desperate people of the world.
To defeat it, you have to take away all proceeds from it. We'll never be able to stop a suicide bomber. We can demonstrate that suicide bombs are not only useless for "the cause", but also an automatic death warrant for everyone of the organizing membership.
ebrown_p wrote:"No Quarter" means that after every successful terrorist strike, the US is going to do something brash. They will level a house, bomb, assassinate etc. This almost always is seen as an affront to the civilians in the area and often results in civilian casualities.
No Quarter means no such thing. I use it metaphorically, but it's true meaning is to kill every man, woman, child, dog, pig, bird in a geographic area. King Edward the "long shanks" was the most feared man alive because of his willingness to employ this strategy. With no phones, Internet nor television the word spread quickly enough. My use of it is simply that every member of the terrorist organization is guilty of murder as soon as the group commits it's first, just as surely as the getaway driver is guilty when his partner kills the guard in a bank robbery.
ebrown_p wrote:Look. This should be obvious.
Who are the two countries with the strongest "Zero Tolerance", "No Quarter" attitude?
They are Russia and Israel. Both of these nations have had brutally strong military campaigns against terrorist movements for decades.
So there are at least two good examples of countries who have taken your attitude. How do you think it has worked?
Neither of these countries follow through with the other side of my designs, Ebrown. The carrot AND the stick. They're both pretty much all stick.
I believe our economic supremacy should be shared only with countries who respect the natural rights of their citizens. Our support of totalitarian despotic regimes makes us a party to their crimes (my definition). I agree that just the stick won't work because desperate times call for desperate measures. (Nothing justifies suicide bombs, however.) But if we succeed in leaving a representative system of government in place of our conquered despotic foes; do you really think we won't find less resistance next time? Do you really believe the people on the outside looking in at that new found freedom and liberty won't desire it for themselves (if it suceeds mind you)?
We are not half as responsible for their lots in life as the religious nuts (Bin Laden) would have their followers believe... and if we can prove as much, by helping them gain a voice in their own governance, while demonstrating the futility of their resistance, their numbers will eventually dwindle away to nothing.
If Saudi terrorists believe Americans are somewhat responsible for Saudi suffering because we support the ruling class that keeps them down... they're somewhat right.
Somewhat. Ultimately, the people need to take control of their own government to level the playing field. To the degree, we assist said government in keeping its citizens down is the degree of our responsibility. Scoff at the idea of spreading liberty and freedom if you wish, but I believe it's the only way we'll ever eradicate the terrorists.
In the long run, it's in our best interest to do so. I'll continue to support doing work that needs to be done sooner, rather than later.
(Dlowan, Craven, others and I discussed some of this at some length
here. I found that to be a most interesting conversation.)