If you are going to fight this war I want you to know that the world is against you. If you are sending you children to fight this war you are allowing them to murder with impunity in the name of America and they are no better than the Palestinians or el quaida.We are only hearing from the people like bush that feel that killing is okay for us but not for the 'other' side.
The first time I realized that we, as a country, were capable of great evil is when I saw a monk self-emulate himself in South Viet Nam. This monk knew that if the North wins he dies, yet he saw the terror and pain inflicted on the South from it's 'ally' and chose to die by his own hand to show his people that the US is evil and wrong.
We cannot force our beliefs on others any more than we would allow them to force us to give up our rights and way of life. Right now el quaida is poised to attack, when? When we attack a muslim country. If the president is brave enough to stop this we will escape the horror the muslims have planned for us in this country. If he keeps on his cowardly path, a path I remind you that he himself was afraid to take when he was called, then we will see the end of our society as we know it today. One dirty bomb and many attacks on tunnels, bridges and subways are in the works ready to launch. The internet will cease to function, we have seen their last test this past weekend. The guy at the gas station I was at when I heard the first tower was hit thought I was insane when I said there were more on the way they should get every plane out of the sky voluntarily or involuntarily, immediately. He asked me the next day how I knew. Well I read the news, we have terrorists in custody that have told us they planned to do it. What was our leader worried about up until that day, tax cuts for the rich, drilling in the wilderness to sell more oil to the Japanese, and reading to children about the hungry caterpillar.
We are doomed and if this is the first you have heard of this then you need to wake up and get out there and learn what this is all about. The bush's want their oil fields back that sadam took, John Majors wants his oil fields back that sadam took, it's that simple. Please wake up before it's too late, I say if we really have to attack it can be in 6 months as well as tommorrow and we will have lost nothing...please