Mon 18 Oct, 2004 01:36 pm
Edit Moderator: Moved from Reference to Other Languages.
Hello -
I am responsible for a t-shirt slogan for an adult spelling bee, a benefit for my local literacy council. I thought it would be fun to twist a quotation, "Veni, vidi..." and finish with "I spelled". I understand that standardized spelling is a relatively newer concept, but I am hoping for a reasonable approximation so that my team can have a unique slogan. Any help would be very much appreciated!
I would render it:
Veni, vidi, recte scripsi.
Literally, "I came, I saw, I wrote correctly."
I would like to know what the latin translation for "Dont let the bastards get you down" thank you for you help in this matter
I've heard, "Illigitimi non carborundum" but I think that's bastardized Latin at best...
"Bastardized" is right!
The comic pseudo-Latin motto "Illegitimi non carborundum" (or sometimes "Noli illegitimi carborundum") has been around at least since WWII. The word carborundum sounds like Latin, but actually it is a coined word for a very hard substance used in grinding.
As I suspected. Catchy, tho.
Thank you
the Illigitimi no carborundum was exactly what i was looking for. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!
Non, bueller, or noli. Not just "no"...