Seed wrote:come on... do you really want me to have kids? i mean a guy who has a facial hair this size shouldnt have kids
Are you compensating for something?
Anyway joke aside..
If what you are looking for isnt adivce on HOW TO talk.. what about some verbage?
If it is hard to talk to your father like you want to.. then use some psyche 101 techniques..
When you are having a conversation with him , make it ABOUT him . His life, his thoughts , his feelings etc... ( yea yea yea.. girlie movie stuff ) BUT it works. The more you make him feel GOOD about him the more he will want to talk to you. Think about it this way...Is there anyone who you just LOVE talking to? For whatever reason? I bet you, almost 50% of the conversations you enjoyed the most with that person were about you.
Always ask about him. Always let him direct the conversation. Always ask for advice, suggestions etc. Mke him feel usefull, helpfull, interesting and funny. Dont OVER do it.. but start adding a little more of that thought process to your converstaions each time. The happier he feels when he gets off the phone with you, the more he looks forward to talking to you again.
Keep in mind too... he is not your age. He probally doesnt have alot in common with you and having a convo with him will be struggled because of that. All parents/children have that issue. Some have just worked it through better then others. Mabe that is a reason for his '' stand-off-ish-ness'?