BBC reports:
"Exercise 'aids body image'
Walking can help people feel better, say researcher
Brisk walking and abdominal muscle stimulation can improve fitness and body appearance, according to a Northern Ireland university.
Researchers from the University of Ulster's School of Health Sciences tested a group of 32 sedentary women over an eight-week period.
One group took 30-minute walks five times a week; another group went walking while wearing an electrical muscle stimulation device and a third group continued with their normal lifestyle.
Each of the participants was tested before, during and after the eight-week period.
Their height and body mass was measured, as was their blood pressure, fitness on a treadmill and ability to perform stomach crunches.
The health benefits of brisk walking in reducing cardiovascular risk have been well documented
Dr Marie Murphy
The study found that those who wore the device while walking achieved the greatest decrease in body mass......."
Full story:
Where can I get the device??????