Thu 29 Dec, 2016 04:22 pm
Hello. Can I have a question. Is it possible to replace the word "fewer" with less? Thanks!
The task is to fill the gap with 3-6 words and to adhere the similar meaning as the first presentence. And also the word in bold should be included.
To help us run the exhibition next month, we need at least six people.
No ...... to help us run the exhibition next month.
The correct answer: fewer than six people are required
It is not possible to replace "fewer" with "less". We use "fewer" with countable nouns - fewer than five people, fewer than ten cars, and "less" with non countable or mass nouns - less money, less time.
Less is also used with numbers when they are on their own and with expressions of measurement or time, e.g.: his weight fell from 18 stone to less than 12, their marriage lasted less than two years. the town centre is less than four miles away from my house.
Thanks a lot for the explanation!