panzade wrote:We have major problems with our 12 year old and the amount of time he spends on x-box. What's the average amount of time you spend on it every day?
I'm 15 years-old and I spend around 1 hour per day playing on my XBOX...mind you, school takes up 7 hours of the day and homework takes up another 2 hours, and then there's the matter of eating...what a life!
In regards to the subjet of the topic, I was playing Halo 2, however I am now playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005. I have 302% completion with many trophy balls and over $100 million in prize money...
Btw, is it possible to complete Halo 2 on 'Legendary Mode'? One of my friends (a regular bullsh*tter, sorry for the language) says he done it in 2 days, whereas another one of my friends says that it is impossible and just playing on Legendary Mode made him physically sick! :-)
need_answers wrote:I'm 15 years-old and I spend around 1 hour per day playing on my XBOX...mind you, school takes up 7 hours of the day and homework takes up another 2 hours, and then there's the matter of eating...what a life!
Have your parents ever demanded that you do your homework first?
Or limited the time to one hour?
To be honest, from day one my parents have always stressed that my homework is to be done immediately so as soon as I arrive home it's like I've never really left school as I'm am still in the mode of doing work to the required standard. The 1-hour thing applies to both Video-Gaming & the Internet. it was introduced so that things are shared evenly in my house between us all...Within holidays and term break-ups the time is extended due to leisure purposes, so I'm lucky that I get my fair share...
Without getting too personal, how long does your son spend on his XBOX per night? +3 hours?
Sometimes...yes...and in a weekend perhaps 12 hours. I'm concerned because he started fudging about whether he had homework.
When we had a meeting with his teachers we found out that he wasn't turning in a lot of assignments
I hate to struggle over something he enjoys but there seems to be an addiction creeping in.
He gets very hyper after Halo and has trouble discerning the difference between reality and make believe...
well it depends on the game im currently playing. if i really like it, and if i have beaten it yet. Halo2 i spent an average of 3 to 4 hours a day playing it, just because it was addicting...
Waterbelly, I've always been a videogame junkie, whenever I have free time it's very likely I'll be playing videogames. Right now I spend 3-4 hours on average because of some new games and vacation time.
When I was about your kid's age I played a whole lot more, my parents have always complained about it, but since I've never let my school grades drop down, stopped attending family or friend gatherings and my baseball games (even when some times I preferred to stay at home to play games).
Get the kid to do house chores or sign him up for karate or something.
thats a great sugguestion... the signing him up for something... i didnt do much gaming as a kid.. i always had practice of some kind... its now as im older that i find myself playing more
We set up the house chore chart: mow the lawn, take out the trash, clean the rabbit cage, and we had a money amount assigned to each came out to $15 a week...well after 3 weeks he was doing ...nada...just x-box.
But...good suggestions, I'll look into karate or baseball.
Since I started gaming way back in the days of the Commodore 64 my parents used to keep an eye on how long I spent playing. If my dad thought we were too long he'd come with his screwdriver and take the plug off the power cord and hide it until we'd done our chores/homework/washed/whatever!
My parents just took my TV until I did it.
And I was playing The Suffering until yesterday. Finished it on good and evil, now just to figure out the third ending...
What game are you playing?
At the moment i've gone a bit retro, i'm playing JAMES BOND 007:THE DUEL on the master system II.
I finished Metroid Prime, one of the best games I have played in the last years.
I've been playing MVP Baseball 2004 on the PC these last days. I started until now because I found out a way to use a controller a friend lent me with the game.
I eagerly anticipating Winning Eleven 8. February 1st baby!
It's been Winning Eleven 8 for me.
Unreal Tournament 2004 - Great game especially online
Also Half Life 2. Just bought it today!

- Heard it was an excellent game. Anyone know any pro's or con's?
I've heard Half Life 2 is a pain in the ass to install, but a beauty to play.
MVP Baseball 2005; but I'd also like to add I WOULD be playing SimCity 4 if it weren't so damn huge a program. I never did get to play it beyond a population of 10,000 - SLOW SLOW SLOW!