Fri 8 Oct, 2004 09:17 pm
A buddy of mine at FedEx Ground asked about "Japanese Fonts"; a co-worker and I explained what he needed to do.
We now find out that what he wants is a way to type a WORD and get the Japanese symbol for that word.
Any programs that do this?
Translators ought to do.......
After you've searched, make sure you go to View - Code - Japanese(Auto Select). Otherwise it won't show.
If you're using windows, you can get NJstar or some other program, but you would need to know some Romaji to type it. You could also download a Japanese font pack somewhere, and use the Insert symbol command to insert them manually, but typing kanji this way is difficult and tedious. It's only good if you write in hiragana or katakana. However, if you're lucky and have Mac OSX (like me. Sorry, I don't know if it works on OS 9), the Japanese fonts and language pack should already be installed, and you just have to type in the romaji form, and the program will help you select the closest kanji symbol to whatever you typed.