CalamityJane wrote:No prejudices here. There are bad apples within any
nationality, but I would never go as far as ostracise an entire nation due to a few rotten apples.
We Germans have had our fair share of being ostracised
through the years, although I have to admit, I've never
experienced any animosities, at least not open.
Oh yeah? Take that stupid german helmet off your head STAT!
BBB :wink:
That's a helmet???
I was wondering what it was.
No way BBB, that helmet is my pride and joy <ph>
Yeah Eva, didn't you know that we Germans are the
poster boys when it comes to recycling - especially helmets.
One of them is under my bed and another one serves as
flower pot. Yes, yes, we Germans are quite practical too.
I still can't tell what it's made of, though. Looks sorta like a test pattern/volcano.
Francis, I've been told by an A2Ker who has met you that you are a very pleasant fellow. I grant the possibility, and acknowledge that my "prejudice" is something to overcome.
JLNobody wrote:Francis, I've been told by an A2Ker who has met you that you are a very pleasant fellow. I grant the possibility, and acknowledge that my "prejudice" is something to overcome.
It wasn't me, I've never said a nice thing about Francis.
Oh, thanks for the reminder. It WAS you!!!!
JLNobody wrote:What's wrong with the French, other than the fact that they are French?
Nothing, absolutely nothing! The only language I know that a person can say: "I think I'll go cook that cabbage now." & it sound utterly exotic!
Msolga - t'es trop choux! (you are so sweet!)
Bonjour Francis mon petit chou, comment va la vie?
1 - Les modes bien souvent sont étrangères
Y a rien à faire
C'est dans l'air du temps la samba est brésilienne
Le tango est argentin, la raspa est mexicaine
Le swing c'est américain
D'accord mais voyez-vous
On sait vivre aussi chez nous.
Un' bell' fille passe dans la rue
Un beau gars la voit et la salue
En lui débitant quelques fadaises
Ça, c'est à la française
C'est le grand béguin et sans tarder
A la noce ils invit'nt le quartier
Mais au dessert ils fil'nt à l'anglaise
Ça, c'est à la française
Trois mois plus tard on les entend se chamailler
Pour savoir qui dans l'ménage va commander
C'est Madam' qui prend le gouvernail
Et l'dimanch' Monsieur fait tout l'travail
La vaissell' et mêm' la mayonnaise
Ça, c'est à la française
2 - Il rêve bien souvent
De beaux voyages
De paysages
Plus divertissants
Il consulte tous les guides
Grèce, Hollande ou Italie
Ses projets sont intrépides
Il se voit déjà parti
Mais il ne part jamais
Car voilà ce qui lui plaît.
{au Refrain}
3 - Sa petit' maison et son jardin
La belot', la pêche et les copains
Un petit coup d'blanc un Vittel fraise
Ça, c'est à la française ;
Il aim' le foot-ball et tous les sports
Mais comm' ça demande trop d'efforts,
Il écout' la radio sur sa chaise
Ça, c'est à la française
Sa femme admir' les beaux modèl's des couturiers
Puis se taille ell'-même un' rob' qui fait rêver.
Tranquill'ment ils vont main dans la main
En suivant leur p'tit bonhomm' de ch'min
Et comm' ça ils ont le cur à l'aise
Cà, c'est à la française.
Coda :
Mêm' s'il y a des raisons d'rouspéter
Ils regard'nt ce qui s'passe à côté
Et trouv'nt la maison pas si mauvaise
Ca, c'est à la française.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Ca, c'est à la française.
A l'allemande aussi, Walter. Pour ma part, je suis un peu iconoclaste...
Young fella wants to impress his gilfreind; tkaes her to a tony, upscale French restaurant. There amid the linen, crystal, and plateware splendor, he proceeds to rattle off in flowingly pronounced French a dinner order to the typically haughty, reserved, but ever-solicitous waiter. The waiter nods after writing it all down, making no comment beyond "Very good, M'sieur, will that be all", to which the fella nods confirmation. The waiter strides of toward the kitchen.
Smugly basking in his girlfreind's adoring admiration, the young fella notes the return a few moments later of the waiter.
"Pardonez mois, M'sieur," obsequiously begins the waiter, "but Chef would like to know if you would prefer your cat in the wine sauce or with the cranberry compote; your intructions were not quite clear on that"