Walter Hinteler wrote:Welcome back .... and belated Merry Christmas, Anon!
Thanks Walter! Really missed your terrific posts and common sense. It's good seeing you!
husker wrote:dude your up late
er, maybe i'm just up super early?
Anyone know if Joahaeyo had her baby?
No 'updates' since a couple of weeks from OCCOM BILL.
And Grandduke, I fear meanwhile the worst.
Walter Hinteler wrote:No 'updates' since a couple of weeks from OCCOM BILL.
I'm neither lost nor displaced, Walter... just busy. Thanks for noticing though.

I'm still trying to work out the details of opening a second restaurant.
See you in Chicago! :wink:
Great news, Bill - just noted your announcement on the other thread!
I was missing some French bashing, Bill!
You want us to continue Francis?
I have a huge portfolio of stereotypes about the French.
If it needs an effort from you, dont do!
I prefer the naturally inclined people...
What's wrong with the French, other than the fact that they are French?
You know, I've always heard negative **** about the Fench. When I was in Paris I encountered nothing but wonderful people! What's more, "Freedom Fries" suck!
Francis wrote:I prefer the naturally inclined people...
I'm having an episode of vertigo, and am tilting slightly. Does that count for anything?
Sure it counts. But such inclinations are not new and well perceived...
You knew I tilted, and didn't like it?
I have always had a tendency for prejudice against the Germans, Texans and French. But I have not yet met a German or Texan that I didn't like. Can't say the same for the French. I don't have a defense for that; it just is. But I am planning to go to Paris in May (for the first time). Let's see if my experience there straightens me out.
JLN - In order to keep your prejudices intact, better not meet me...
JL, I'm doing short trips to France at least twice yearly (next 'due' in February).
The only reason for that is that I'm trying to find some persons, situations etc which would fir with the "usual" American prejudices.
Since I failed to do such since nearly 40 years, I suppose, I'll have to shoulder the stresses and strains of such trips for some more years to get a possible validation :wink:
No prejudices here. There are bad apples within any
nationality, but I would never go as far as ostracise an entire nation due to a few rotten apples.
We Germans have had our fair share of being ostracised
through the years, although I have to admit, I've never
experienced any animosities, at least not open.
ehBeth wrote:You knew I tilted, and didn't like it?

Naturally, it's just an episode. :wink: