I keep my nose clean Timber, and my handerkechiefs folded. No harm done.
Has anyone seen smokingunne or sharpshooter? I remember them from my early days here, and haven't seen them in ages.
still no word on Fealola either...
ahhhh. Now that be nice..Auntie Letty likes to see things in harmony.
Well, panz, the most difficult thing that a vocalist has to do is try and work a mike. At the Greenbrier, that sound system sucked. It was very difficult to hear myself. That's important for intonation and for the ego. <smile> I swear, panz, I know this will sound like rationalization, but I do think that nicotine has some benefits, but maybe it's just that smoking strengthens the immune system.
It strengthened mine . Haven't been sick for 40 years...oh a little cold now and then. What really helped me was training for Australian Life Saving..I can still swim a couple of lengths undewater.Don't try this at home kids. These are professionals...
funny but i'm a singer too who smokes..gives me a "smokey" edge to my voice ..(okay not good with puns and being funny) but i think if i gave up smoking my voice would change.
Well, my goodness, willow. Great! We need a singing salon thread...heh heh.
Well, neat folks. Gotta run! talk later.
Ya know, thinkin' about it, and with all this talk of smokin', I'm reminded of the time I went missin' around here for a while.
It was around a year and a half ago, in case anybody who missed that episode cares.
cavfancier wrote:blatham....anyone remember him?
Blatham posted yesterday, I believe.
Grand Duke wrote:Has anyone seen smokingunne or sharpshooter? I remember them from my early days here, and haven't seen them in ages.
Small, happy smile - at seeing who is NOT amongst the missing.
Right, Deb. I saw blatham also.
smokingunne is alive and well and living in Northern Ireland.

I think sharpshooter is back in the states with a desk job.
Cool, Letty. Do they still post here?
Grand Duke. I haven't seen sharpshooter in eons. Smokin' just drops by on occasions.
I started a thread at your urging concerning the part of the world in which we live. I'll be back later and post the link.
HEY, DEB. Do you know anything about hiama?
Which forum, Letty? I am very intrigued. Also puzzling me is something you said in either Panz's or Gus's threads. I'll find the quote and come back.
Grand Duke, I know exactly what I said. I was just kiddin' around. Here is the thread that I started at your general suggestion:
Gotta go now.
Goodnight, from Flo
I miss Rick. He's not been back, is he? Damn. Finally someone who knew what the **** I was talking about (I mean, being from Holland and all). Plus, he was a nice guy. Cool kid.
Yes, he was, nimh. I wonder what happened to him? Studies, maybe?