Viola would love to freelance. What plans did you have for getting her to Noo Yawk?
Once she’s there, she’s yours....it’s six month’s quarantine if she comes back so it’s not really feasible. You have to feed her, but I’ll send you her heart tablets. They’re expensive.
She loves her exercise wheel so I’m guessing you can get her one second hand?
I thought Sebastian was telling me yesterday that there was another snake in our neighbourhood shed....we had a huge black one relocated from there earlier this year, after much debate. The debate was because we encourage native wildlife here and snakes are that. However, the shed is accessed by us when putting orchard netting and such in and taking it out. We felt the snake would quite reasonably defend its home if it happened to be there when we wanted to move stuff around and it tended to be well hidden. Then again, remove one snake and another will take its place.
My neighbour Meg, who spends half her time in her native England and half here, made an executive decision to have it caught and relocated by our trusty snake catcher, who gives us a discount, because she was frightened. Some of us paid her back.
Anyway, the snakes are currently looking for safe places to hibernate for winter.
When Sebastian began looking intently at the shed wall and leaping at it, I thought he could hear a new snake, but then realised he was pouncing at the shadows of stuff being moved around by the wind.
So, like schroedinger’s cat, there is or isn’t a snake in the shed. Only time will tell.