@Robert Gentel,
I am going to force myself to give Robert’s website one more bit of free material as not being happy with just allowing personal insults and phony vote downs he decided to go on after some of his main posters using the excused that they was doing the same as he had been allowing others to do for years in replying back to insults in kind.
First it was Hawkeye with a 6 months or so ban from this website, then others including myself with a week ban for a reason that he never took the time to explain.
It is one thing to put up with the nonsense from other users as long as it on an even playing field but when the owner of the website join in by misusing his powers to interfere with the free expression of ideas on a discussion website in support of a small an nasty group of posters it is past the time to leave an allowed the website to died a natural death from boredom.
After all the internet is far largest then anyone website and it took all of five minutes to find and join a largest and far less abuse full site then able2know.
To sum up, I had been lucky to have met some interesting people with interesting ideas on this website in spite of the high noise level cause by the abusers but now that Robert had join in with the abusing group it is time to move on.
Happy holydays. Even to the abusers and to Robert who for unknown reasons of his own had granted them a license to abuse.