hawkeye10 wrote:
Debra Law wrote:
I don't remember why I quit posting. I think I might have had a stalker that was annoying me. LOL Anyway, I guess life just has a way of pushing or pulling a person in other directions. I did enjoy many of the debates.
I will refresh your memory then....you were losing too many of the debates.
Let me translate this for everybody, if you find glorification of rape fantasies are not the norm or are stumped that assholes who are not content with their freedom to participate in sexual practices other people might not be into but should be, or if you were offended over the ridiculous idea that some unidentified number of women should have volunteered to satisfy whatever the hell that nutcase in California believed he was entitled to, regardless of how repellant they may have found him to be, then Hawkeye thinks you have lost a debate. I know it's nuts, everybody else thinks it's nuts, but Hawkeye is special. He is the only person in this entire world who is entitled to an opinion. He can scoff at yours, but you can not scoff at Prince Hawkeye.
If you find someone to be repellant, you are not required to host sleepovers for them, you don't have to spend time with them, you don't have to listen to them, however, you do not have the right to muzzle them from expressing their opinion. If in my opinion, I view someone to be such a sleaze ball that they leave a visible slime trail when they walk, I put them on ignore. It more about digestive health for me, I just can't get interested enough to continue listening.