Boris Kitten is back too, in sn's thread on the relationships forum.
CalamityJane wrote:Laeknir Skrat is back

I was reading back on some prime threads yesterday and pined miserably for Laeknir Scrat.
<silly smile>
BD is here...
drunk but here...
Is Lord Ellpus on vacation, or just taking a break?
Chai Tea wrote:Is Lord Ellpus on vacation, or just taking a break?
The Lord was picked up for driving under the influence and is required to serve 90 days in the slammer, as required by British law.
I thought he had posted this information on the site somewhere.
I was a bit surprised, actually, that the Lord would have been so foolish as to drive while under the influence, but apparently he was so distraught after losing four thousand dollars at the track and putting his coveted sex-change operation out of financial reach, that he stole some cheap wine off a blind beggar and drove around on the sidewalks, hurling insults as the citizenry until the cops finally picked him up.
Didn't they pack him off to France?
My God, the aristocracy is not what it used to be.
I just involuntarily smooched scrat on an inappropriate thread..... so glad to see the little squirrel.
I misread littlek's last offering and thought she had been kissing scat.
It didn't surprise me that she would exhibit such behavior, since I have seen her do stranger things over the years, but this one seemed to put her over the edge.
Not until I re-read the sentence did I realize that she said "Scrat", rather than "scat", but by that time I had already put her words in my sig line.
Forgive me, littlek.
Larry Richette. He was not a prolific poster, so I didn't realize how long since he last appeared.
edgarblythe wrote:Larry Richette. He was not a prolific poster, so I didn't realize how long since he last appeared.
Yes, I remember Larry well, edgar. He got up a few A2K noses at times, that's for sure, but at his best he was so enthusiastic & very knowledgeable about books & writers!
Where's emmajane? She posted one question, never answered and then disappeared.
My last exposure to Larry was a thread in which he questioned our right to possibly enjoy a Philip Roth novel. I miss his posts, nevertheless.
edgarblythe- It is interesting that some members, although they posted little, and are long gone, are still remembered. Larry's last post was in Dec. '04, and he only posted 843 times!
I still miss Fealola. Still miss Goodfielder. Lotsa others.
And Sturgis has not written anything since June 24th. He's been very ill,
and I wonder how he's doing.
Mr. Stillwater has been absent for a while too.
I was just thinking about Sturgis.
Stilly's back, or was a few days ago. Or maybe a week ago, time flies.