Quote:What do you propose we do about Iran and NK? You wouldn't have supported a war with either one of them either.
I'm no expert, so I couldn't honestly answer that question. I never supported the war on Iraq, because we all knew then what we know now (that is, all of the millions around the world who were against Bush's invasion). One of my few gripes with Kerry is that he voted for the war. I wish he would change his tune on that, and now start offering some regret in that matter. Lord knows he has plenty of ammunition now in which to change his mind. And please, don't refer to this as "flip-flopping." It's juvenile, and I could throw twice as many Bush flip-flops right back at you.
But if you watched the debates, Kerry was very succinct in pointing out all the resources we would still have at our disposal if we were to follow a framework propogated by the Clinton administration, in conjunction with help from China, our biggest trading partner. Bilateral vs. ALL parties coming to the table would only increase the options we would have in dealing with North Korea. No matter how intensely xenophobic that communist country may be, they are still suffering due to the horrendously failed policies of Kim Jong II, and any economic incentives (food, medicine, basic human needs) would have gone a long way in hopefully averting the situation we are faced with now.
By invading Iraq and destroying it's infrastructure, Iran now sees an opportunity to influence what takes place in that country, as it also witnesses a massive influx of terrorists into that country, destabilizing it even further. An Iraq with Saddam still in power (but effectively contained) would have kept Iraq more on the sidelines, and probably less empowered in the region.
The reasons for all this are clear, but never discussed; it is about the oil, not the wmds. Plain and simple. Middle Easterners regard their oil as god given, and when westerners come in taking it, the results can be rather devestating, as we are witnessing today.
WMDs were weapons of mass distraction as we are now finding out, and Saddam apparently WAS destroying them through the 90's when Clinton was president. Clinton also attacked Iraq remotely a few times in order to further compel Saddam to get rid of his weapons. It apparently worked.
A strictly western style of thinking on this matter only belies your arguments. We cannot think as we did during the Crusades. The Middle East represents thousands of years of human biblical history, and that history is engraved in the minds of each generation. Americans have only several hundreds years of existence as a country in which to base their ideologies, which have changed significantly throughout the decades. The Middle East is much less prone to such ideological change, as we have seen time and again.