I think the help for Africa was a red herring and anyway, the President can propose all he wants, but how much money does Congress have to give out right now? How much bigger can the deficit be grown over the next two years? What about the people in the US who are not able to buy their AIDS medication? Definitely a pie-in-the-sky and disingenuous way to make himself look good by saying something that "liberals" might like.
Right now, I think a lot of citizens would like the economy to perk the way it was when Clinton was in office and for terrorists to be caught, not "discovered" in Iraq.
Bush said nothing about the environment that I heard --- certainly nothing to cheer about. Nothing about his policies which are ruining all but a handful of the economies of the individual states.
I very much disliked the hubba hubba cheering that I heard after each pause. It sounded like somebody was holding up a signs for these esteemed gentlemen that said "Cheer now" and "Make grunting noises like you're at a football game." Gross.
hi ebeth and timber: watched point and counterpoint on CNN(i think that's the prgram - from george wash uni). a republican congressman was questioned re. all the money george' programs would cost. he hedged quite a bit, saying something like: well, those are just the plans.... he trailed off and couldnt't be pinned down. ebeth might remember that our canadian prime minister promised to elimate the federal sales tax BEFORE he had been elected.... he later claimed that that was not what he had meant....PROMISES, PROMISES...(are easy to make).
Even in a blue tie, and with applause from the polls, Dubya's State of the Union speech was a re-hash of the same ole stuff. Nothing new here (except that perhaps Dubya was a bit more pompous than usual).
Well, The Overnights were encouraging for the show. Its very early in to its run. We'll have to wait a while to see if its a hit or not.
Given the perception of the lad as a decent scripted performer, I do hope he can learn to think effectively on his feet, and on the run.
I've seen a lot of people on the subway reading 'the right man', a new book by David Frum, one of the lad's earlier script-writers. I may have to cave and buy it.
Yes, President Bush did wear a lovely and expensive blue tie for the State of the Union. The tie matched his beautiful blue eyes to a T!
Lovely little flush on a cheeks also!
This must be Iraq since that was the heart of the State of the Union address. In truth the state of the union, this nation, is dismal. 40 million people are without health insurance, national debt is climbing to astronomical heights, Unemployment and layoffs are on the rise, deficits are in the picture for the foreseeable future, manufacturing industries will soon be a memory in the US. the stock market is a disaster area, the states are being swallowed up in red ink, we may be headed for a double dip recession and etc. I am sure I missed a few other bits of good news.
That is the true state of the union Mr. Bush.
Could it be he's whistling in the dark? I have a feeling he can't pucker.
We have reasons to be optimistic. After all, he's only been in office two years, and he can already sound plausible reading a script. That's an improvement!
Think of what he'll be able to do in six more years. Maybe answer a question without smirking and saying something like, "He can run but he can't hide" or "My patience is about wore out."
an eye opener or sleep inducer.
American reality.