Wed 29 Jan, 2003 10:19 am
Ok. The wait is over. The president has delivered his State Of the Union address.
Your opinion was it a success in that it gave promise? What did you agree/disagree with? Was it an eye opener or sleep inducer?
I thought it a strong speech, but certainly not among the paragons of the genre. I drew inference of continued Democratic Party inclination toward obstructionsism as opposed to directed, goal-oriented engagement.
I am in strong opposition to "Faith-Based Initiatives"
I took issue with sundry other minutiae to lesser extent.
All in all, I believe the Address was successful, though I had hoped for stronger.
I thought the speech was very strong -- I could smell it clear out here in California.
I was surprised that he was still discussing the privatization of Social Security. Considering the current state of the stock market. I was particularly incensed at his stick and carrot approach to Medicare and prescription drugs. We will give you a prescription drug benefit if you are willing to join an HMO. He can stick that proposal where the sun don't shine.
Interesting Post-Address Poll results:
Quote:In the United States, however, the speech seemed to have convinced more people of the need for war, with a CBS poll showing support for military action to remove Saddam up 10 percent to 77 percent.
Phoenix, yeah, that's The Poll ... in my earlier post and reference I excerpted just the single result I listed. Thanks. I was engaging in a bit of "Selective Sampling" myself ... but I was seeking only to address a question I had posed in a yet earlier post on this thread regarding US Public attitude toward The War.
Oh, and I like chocolate too
I just read a good deal of those poll results. Looks like a slam dunk for the Pres.! There's nothing like a big speech on the networks, with all the trappings, to make patriotic juices flow in everyone's veins. We're right behind you, sir! Just tell us when to start marching.
Of course, the tune may be a bit different in a few months, after the shooting starts, especially if the economy doesn't show some signs of life...
"Looks like a slam dunk for the Pres.!
that may very well be true, however i listened to Sen Kennedy speak about rescinding the authorization for non-U.N. supported war and he made some very appealing points.
dys, to my mind, it is fortunate Senator Kennedy is not driving the Oldsmobile of State. I fear The Public might fare no better than did Mary Jo Kopeckne as passengers in a Kennedy-Operated conveyance. :wink:
I agree with you about Kennedy not driving the Oldsmobile of state. However I am a little worried since Mad Max is.
Decent analogy, Au ... but IIR, Mad Max defeated MasterBlaster and liberated Barter Town.
timberlandko: even a blind pigs finds a few acorns
I fail to understand how what happened to Mary Jo Kopeckne has anything to do with governing the nation in 2003.
Admittedly sarcasm, edgar. Childish, yes. Helpful? Probably not. We're none of us perfect, not even our leaders.
The First Lady doesn't have a very good driving record either. Apparantly she was sober so doesn't have the excuse of driving under the influence. It's a tragic mistake to put politicians on pedestals -- they'll ultimately show their feet of clay and dissapoint.
Did anyone else listen to the speech, vs watching it? I found it disconcerting the way George's accent kept changing.
The measured tone was interesting - as someone with a bit of a background in marketing/advertising, i had to wonder if the whole speech had been written in pre-measured sound-bites. Very smart and successful of the speech-writer(s) if that was the intent.
An interesting presentation/performance. I wondered at one point - during the applause following something to do with fighting litigation around medical treatment - if the legislators were wondering how they were going to explain things to the lobbyists.
hmmm, just reading my own post here - i wonder if the wandering accent and sound bite length speech bits are related? one sorta texan-sounding sound bite, one sorta mid-coast sounding sound bite ... etc ... something for every market? If that was the plan, the fella's an even better performer than i'd given him credit for.
There were certainly things in that speech that I thought sounded very good - now to see him walk the talk (specifically, the situation in Africa - i listened to an interview with Stephen Lewis earlier this evening - he is waiting to see what will really happen).
ehBeth, I believe George The Younger has the slickest speechwriters ... make that "Script Writers" available resources can provide.
I do not discount his skills as a performer, either.
As a Team Effort, the entire Republican Presentation seems expertly crafted. That at least they do well. There is need of significant improvement in other areas. Rehearsal time grows short. It is "Crunch Time". Bush, and by association, The Republican Party, must now put up or shut up. Economic and diplomatic concerns of urgent nature await attention. The Administration is in a difficult, critical, make-or-break situation. Matters are helped not in the least by the unpredictable nature of violent conflict.
We certainly shall see ...