It's early a.m. Allow me to gather my thoughts on this display of machismo last night.
First, we must consider the differences between the two candidates. Cheney is 11 years older than Edwards. (Yes only 11 years. He's only 62 but looks every bit of 70 some-odd years.) Cheney has a lot more "D.C." experience than Edwards. Cheney delivers his rhetoric in a style reminiscent of a grandfather scolding his grandson. The man's delivery alone is soooooo good that he could sell you that "ocean front property in Arizona" George Strait sings of. S'good. Very good at delivering lies. Edwards is fresh faced. Fairly new to "D.C." and he has PASSION and ENERGY ( and great hair
). Edwards has a way of delivering a line and you don't realize he just told you off until after the fact. For those of you that may have watched "Designing Women" with Dixie Carter. Edwards reminds me of her character.
Enough of that. My opinionation of last night-----Draw. For Edwards to be able to hold his own up against such seasoned old poker faced fart like Cheney is really another win for the Democrats. :wink: