Re: Go while it's still new, or am I out of my mind?
Longjourney wrote:I have only been married for 5 months . . . we make a good couple . . . Now hes on his 4th month of unemployment, and only cleans the house here and there. He is becoming depressed and throws a fit whenever I am not home. I am going to school full time and working a full time job with overtime to support us through this rough time. Our time together is hardly enjoyable. . . .
You have lost your attraction to your husband. Maybe the two of you made a "good couple" at one time -- but not anymore. He's wallowing in unemployment and he's sucking the life out of you. You're not building a present or a future together, you're doing everything on your own. You're moving forward and he's not.
You're getting an education plus you're the sole source of support and your husband sits at home like a bump on a log. He has become uninteresting and unattractive. He's not a loving partner anymore; he's someone who clings to you. He throws fit when you're not at home, but you're living your life which includes school and work. He's not living his life.
If things were good at home, you probably wouldn't even give your co-worker a second look. But things are not good at home and your wandering eye is just a symptom of the problem -- it's not the problem.
What do you want to do about your marriage? In your shoes, I would probably have a conversation with my husband:
"We're on a downward spiral and I'm starting to lose that lovin' feeling because you've been sitting home for four months wallowing in your unemployment. You have one week to either get a job (any job, it shouldn't matter) or you can leave. It's your choice, but I'm not going to continue in this marriage the way things are now."
Don't enable your man to be a bump on the log any more. It's sucking the life out of you.