I must be honest here Vietnamnurse I like my dobermans and ridgebacks and love wiemaraners, In Jo'burg you want a guard dog and dobies and ridgebacks will lay down there life for you. lex my cross ridgeback german shepard is an excellent dog i take him to coffee shops and parks everywhere but he's super bright and super well trained and unafriad of anything, that dog will defend me from anything. I like a dog whose trainable and adaptable. Lex is so bright that sometimes I wish i had some real work for him, like sheep or something but the truth is he is just happy to be near me do what i tell him.
We used to have a wiemaraner and they have pretty sturdy tempraments too, very intelligent dogs, sometimes stubborn but beautiful and loyal. We were going to buy another doberman (had two dobermans about 18 years ago) when the wiemaraner died but decided to get a shelter dog and lex is the result.
Hi all. I have three cats, Bigglesworth-who-has-no-tail, Pico, and Wobble, Pico's daughter. Biggs was born with just a stub of a tail; otherwise, she's an ordinary gray calico. Pico is beautiful, with long silky black hair. Wobble is a very unusually marked orange cat. She has an X on one flank and an O on the other. She's Wobble because some difficulty causes her back end to not follow the front end... she tends to walk near walls so if her back end slews she will hit the wall rather than collapsing. It's really funny to see her walk across the middle of a room. (The vet and her attitude both say she's not in any pain. She just walks like a drunken sailor...)
The two parakeets, Tia and Pete, live in a large cage with lots of toys. They're not hand-tamed but their chatter is quite pleasant.
My doggie, Sunny, just turned six. He is half Pom, half Toy American Eskimo (what we used to call Spitz) and weighs 4.3 pounds as of Saturday. He's quite fierce to protect me and barks his silly head off when my daughter walks down the hall toward the room where the dog and I are. I've never heard him make a sound away from the house (and I take him everywhere I can).
Add a couple stray teenage friends of my daughter's and it's quite a menagerie in a small space!
aw, how cute!
my cat...well....she's old, because i've had her since i was in junior school, when i was young, as a birthday present. and now her only purpose in life is to leave mess everywhere, and everyone is threatening to have her put down
I lived in a very community neighborhood in Chicago in Kenwood near the University of Chicago....ordinarily a high crime area, but many professionals lived there and another very famous resident....Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. There was no crime near his house!!! Let me say no one walked their dogs on his side of the street, but I did. Annie , my Irish Wolfhound who is now gone over the rainbow bridge would never let anyone come between me and anyone else. IW's are known for placing their bodies between you and anyone they distrust. I would walk the dogs at midnight and not have a problem....anyone that looked sketchy would walk to the other side of the street!!! The Nation of Islam hated dogs because of their background in Islam....dogs were the lowest form of life. But many of the guards were fascinated with this wonderful breed and would stand and talk with me. All I can say is...the Wolfhound would lay down his or her life for the owner also. I do like the Ridgeback....have many South African friends that have owned them. Dogs are so in tune with you...especially Wolfhounds...they are very intuitive.
Someone had to ask about pets didn't they? I've got one "snow dog", pure-blooded show-quality champion-bloodline Siberian Husky with less common sence than a doornob (but as lovable as he can be!) named Cherokee Frost. He's a gorgeous dog and I've love to have a littler or two of puppys from him before he "retires". Also Scooter, a mixed-breed terrier who adopted me on new-years eve. 3 cats, Callie (tourtise-shell) and her 2 daughters, Snikers (black with gold eyes) and Danielle (black fuzz-ball with white paws, belly & chin). Sun conure, Rio and exotic-colored zebra finches which I breed. 2 rats (yes, RATS!) Blade & Cryptic. Such wonderful pets! Sweet, smart, loving, playful..... SO much better than a hamster or gerbil. Some tetras, a calico Guinea Pig named Bonnie (her brother's called Clyde), and my "Big Dog", a red-gold AQH/Arab/Mustang cross named Sundown Dreamings. My friend and I can ride him well enough and with further trained he'll make an awsome barrel horse when he's a bit older but if any man gets anywhere near him and he turns into a full-fledged rodeo bucking bronc!
One Chow Chow.
Those in the know will know that a Chow Chow is not really a dog. I am a getting another Chow Chow (puppy) in a month or so, babe magnet deluxe
All three cats were eaten by coyotes last year
Chumly...your cats were eaten by coyotes? That is so sad...sorry that happened to you.
I have two dogs...one Jack Russell and one mixed breed terrier. The loves of my life,they are

Also have about 10 half-feral outdoor cats...strays that wander in and I end up taking care of them.