Calamity, sure.. esp. since my breed is known to have separation anxiety issues.
though this may not be the answer you're looking for, it's said crating your dog helps a lot because it leaves her feeling more secure about the environment around them. when you leave, everything to a scared rescue dog looks so big and no one is around to pretend it, so she goes bonkers. not to mention... the fear of you not coming back.
so crating closes off some space and makes many dogs feel more secure. not cruel.
this did NOT work for my dog. she just went crazy "in the crate." (works for most dogs though... truthfully). She did do better being gated in the bathroom though. open door-used a babygate. I would have used the kitchen if I didn't have a roommate at the time. After 2 wks, she was a lot better. I HAD to leave a KONG with her to keep her company. I taught her how to use it (I tore little bacon bits - dog treat in it)... By the time she got it all out, the "anxiety" of me being gone had left and she was able to just sleep.
Some people also use music. To me, this doesn't work. Works for some though!
Most importantly, it's confining the space. ...and time. I don't know how long you've had your cutie and have dealt with this (and actively tried to find solutions).
It is very frustrating though since I HAVE dealt with it.
I call everything a "she." Sorry. Noticed you have a "male."
PJ's an albino, rules the roost and is a top notch hunter...oh ,and he stepped on my keyboard and screwed up my computer.
Joahaeyo wrote:Calamity, sure.. esp. since my breed is known to have separation anxiety issues.
though this may not be the answer you're looking for, it's said crating your dog helps a lot because it leaves her feeling more secure about the environment around them. when you leave, everything to a scared rescue dog looks so big and no one is around to pretend it, so she goes bonkers. not to mention... the fear of you not coming back.
so crating closes off some space and makes many dogs feel more secure. not cruel.
this did NOT work for my dog. she just went crazy "in the crate." (works for most dogs though... truthfully). She did do better being gated in the bathroom though. open door-used a babygate. I would have used the kitchen if I didn't have a roommate at the time. After 2 wks, she was a lot better. I HAD to leave a KONG with her to keep her company. I taught her how to use it (I tore little bacon bits - dog treat in it)... By the time she got it all out, the "anxiety" of me being gone had left and she was able to just sleep.
Some people also use music. To me, this doesn't work. Works for some though!
Most importantly, it's confining the space. ...and time. I don't know how long you've had your cutie and have dealt with this (and actively tried to find solutions).
It is very frustrating though since I HAVE dealt with it.

Thank you for your input joahay. I'll try the babygate thing.
Max actually was to begin with very well behaved, and the longer he's
been with us the more destructive he gets. We've never put him in
a crate (never needed to before) and I think that would freak him out too, but I can leave him in the kitchen and put the babygate at the door.
Great idea! Thanks joa
Hi Calamity Jane,
I've read and heard that separation anxiety can also be helped with exercise. Take a look at this site and scroll down to 'Behavior Modification'.
I also like Joahay's idea of a kong to keep them busy.
I hope this helps,
Thank you Newt, that was a very interesting article.
I guess since Max is a rescue dog and we don't know
anything about his prior history, he might be more prone
to anxiety as other dogs. Thank God he isn't alone
longer than 5 hours, and not every day either.
What's a kong? Max has toys to play with and he does
play with them too.
Jane, you are very welcome. All my dogs are rescues so I can sympathize with you. They often come to us with lots of excess baggage.
A kong is a toy that can be stuffed with something like peanut butter and can keep a dog busy for quite a while. They are nearly indestructable.
I don't know if you get the National Geographic Channel on tv, but if you do, there is a program called 'The Dog Whisperer' that is absolutely fantastic. Cesar Millan explains the psychology of a dog and helps to rehebilitate them. I've learned alot from him.
I am currently fostering a goldfish
I've just ordered a kong, and will fill it with liversaussage
once it's here - that should keep him busy
Hm, National Geography Channel ist that the discovery channel?
I'm in southern CA and we only have the discovery channel
smorgs, only fostering? Aren't you ready for adoption yet?
Goldfish are probably more of a challenge since they
can't give a sound or other sign if something is wrong indeed.
By the time they swim at the surface it's too late I guess.
Jane, the National Geographic channel is not affiliated with the discovery channel. Cesar Millan is located in LA. Unfortunately his services are quite expensive.
Btw, you can usually find the kongs at most large pet supply centers like Petsmart and Petco.
Hope it helps,
I've just ordered a kong, and will fill it with liversaussage
once it's here - that should keep him busy
awesome to hear!!! i hope he enjoys it.
my dog: scared at first of it. lol i kept rolling it around (with tiny treats in it already). she kept noticing a treat would fall out. i kept putting her paw on it and tipping it. after a few days, i noticed when i came back from being out... the treats were always gone from the kong. heheh
also: it's said you should always remove the kong when not in use. it's a "special treat." helps if they're not tired of it and hidden away when you get home. i did this for the longest time. after awhile, i noticed it didn't matter b/c she truly wasn't interested in it if there were no treats inside.

(just sharing with you what i've read though)
Great advice from you two - Newt and Jo, I appreciate it.
I've bought a kong at the pet shop and had ordered one
too (doesn't hurt to have 2), and it does occupy him
quite a bit. Jo, yes, he'll get it only when I'm not at home.
I do the same with my daughter. She's only allowed to
play her gameboy when I need her to be quiet, on longer
car trips or the plane.
well the kong only takes a few seconds for my dog to get (unless something like cheese spread of peanut butter is put in ...I'm told by others). ...but it's when i got my kong that she stopped trying to SQUEEZE her body through the pet gate.
One cockatiel, one hamster, and one red bellied leopard frog.
We have 3 cats & 2 dogs, all of them mixes, fixed, and either from shelters or strays.
Our little black cat, Nut, showed up in the yard one day, about 8 weeks old, stuck in a tree. Hubby went to put our 2 dogs (a Shepherd/Rottweiler mix and Pit Bull mix) in the shed to keep her safe. Nut ran after them! They didn't and never would harm her. But that's how she got her name.
Nut still loves Poo, the Pit Bull mix, but the Shepherd mix died of old age several years ago. Poo "trims" all our cats, carefully as if she's biting fleas. I have a photo of Nut hanging by her teeth from Poo's neck (ouch!). I guess she was light, being just a kitten.
Poo jumped into hubby's truck one day out of nowhere when he was taking Gur (Shepherd mix) home and hadn't yet closed the door. She's brown and white with a big spot over one eye. She adores cats & has helped me raise several kittens, but dislikes most dogs. She loves Stimpy, our other dog, and sometimes they curl up together to sleep. She sits like a person, sort of like Boris Kitten in the photo. She's a love muffin, the most loyal & affectionate dog ever.
Then there's Stimpy, a now-fat tan "dog" dog, short-haired & rather plain looking. Adorable, but she still farts an awful lot. We had her spayed when her owners (neighbors) abandoned her & she went into heat. Ended up adopting her when her ribs starting showing. Stimpy loves clothes--hiding under my skirts, wearing sweaters, snuggling in blankets.
Boris is a Russian Blue mix cat, from our local shelter. Adorable guy, with the famous soft double coat. Very shy, but loves to ride around the house on my shoulder. Also loves the dogs, and purrs whenever he sees them. He talks a lot with a very quiet voice. He stays inside, seems to feel more safe indoors. He's my baby.
Then we have Binky, a Siamese mix cat with orange points, old now and a bit fat, sleeps a lot. He sleeps on the bed, preferably right on my head, when he can get away with it. I got him 13 years ago as a kitten, and he used to sleep in my bed & nurse my earlobe. When hubby showed up & started sleeping on the bed, Binky was angry. Bit hubby on the nose while he was sleeping one night! That's the only time any of my pets has ever bitten anyone.
Anyone know of a good way to post photos? Like most doting pet owners, I have lots!
I use and 2 others to post my pics. There's a tutorial somewhere around here...let me look
Here tis
BKitten, with this website you can upload
directly from your hard disc. (then you just copy the
URL with [img] [/img] onto the page here)
First try at pet photo
First try at a pet photo....Thanks everyone for your help.
Sit, Poo! Wait, I mean, sit like a dog!
Congrats! You are now a member of the asylum!
Haha, that's a great picture Boris. He looks so stoic
and you can tell, he's posing solely for the camera