We were talking about this at work... and a few other solutions.
The first solution is for this woman to just ignore the jerk. Men and boys are also "sexually assaulted" in these games (all of us who have played multiplayer games have been teabagged).
You simply ignore it (or you think it is funny and you join in).
This solution is simply an artificial aid to get the "victim" to ignore the bad behavior. Of course the bad behavior can still happen and be seen by everyone else in the virtual world.
Another solution would be a more aggressive forcefield where an aggressor wouldn't be able to move within a zone around the "victim". I called this a "virtual protection order".
Of course the problem with the virtual protection order is that it would impact the game play. One player could trap the other player with the force field, or maybe even push him off ledges (how this would work in the game physics is interesting).
The real solution is for the good White middle-class adults who enter these virtual worlds to realize that this type of immature behavior is part of the culture of these virtual worlds. If they can't tolerate it, then they really shouldn't be there.
This is the equivalent of some person entering the land of Amazon tribes and being offended by the nudity.