Quote:It would, however, be interesting to hear from someone who believes Bush did win.
I posted one minute after the debate ended that I thought President Bush nailed it. I made notes during the entire 90 minutes, but only on Kerry's comments. (I've known for years what my president's stance is on the issues - so only needed to hear whether Kerry
finally took a position).
In reading the notes again today - I still think Kerry lost. Not once did Kerry mention his senate career in which he consistently voted against military spending and defense appropriations. How does he justify lamenting that the troops don't have body armor when he voted against the $87 billion?
To end the war in Iraq, he wants to "
hold a meeting." He was great at telling what he would do, but had nothing to say about anything he's actually done. He can't. He's done
His remark about the war in Iraq being a "grand diversion" so enraged my neighbor (a longtime staunch Democrat) whose son is serving there, she's starting a campaign to force him to
apologize not only to the troops, but to all parents that have sons and/or daughters serving. She thinks he's immoral as well as incompetent.
He insulted our allies. He also lowered morale by saying our troops are making sacrifices in the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are there fighting in the here and now. They deserve better from him.
He could have stopped with the "grand diversion" comment, but he sunk even lower in my estimation by proposing his "global test" theme. There is no way he can sell this to voting America. Period.