Lets just look and see how many jobs have been lost during the Current Administration
(Source for tables:
US Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics )
OK, the first full month of the Current Administration was February of 2001, and 137,581,000 folks were employed in America. In August of 2004, the latest month for which official figures are currently available, 139,681,000 were employed. Hmmmm .... that works out to a gain of 2,100,000 jobs over the period, doesnt it? While you're checking that out, note too that the August '04 Total US Employed figure is the 5th consecutive all-time record high ... that's right, the record for people employed has been successively broken over each of the past 5 months.
Oh well, everybody knows the good, high-paying jobs have been replaced by demeaning, low-wage jobs, right?
Well, there's another talking point shot all to hell. The average hourly wage in January of 2001 was $1.52 less than the average hourly wage reported for July of 2003, the latest month officially reported, which works out to a nearly 10% gain.
Damned pesky things, them facts. If you're a Democrat, that is. Its sorta tough to make the case the economy is in the dumps when more Americans than ever before in history are employed, earning the highest average hourly wage ever paid in America.
Oh, BTW,
Total US Manufacturing Output , Q2 '04, was 37.6% higher than it was in 1992, with output-per-hour-per-manufacturing-employee (that's "Productivity") 60.9% higher than in 1992. No manufacturing jobs have been "lost", they've been left behind by history, just as the jobs of telephone operators or harness makers or ice merchants were in their turn rendered anachronistic by the relentless march of technology. Progress happens. Get used to it. The future is now.
Damn. Just Damn. If you're a Democrat.
Sure glad I'm not.