Fri 1 Oct, 2004 02:04 am
Hi all, I've been trying to find a quote and the painting it comes from. In English it is 'Death always wins', or 'Death wins in the end', and was written on a piece of paper in a still life painting, which also featured a skull and a few other things.. (the theme was to remember death in order to fully enjoy life) it was featured in Alain de Botton's 3-part 'Status Anxiety' tv show.. in any case if you could help with the translation only that would be fantastic!
I don't know what it actually says on the painting, but I'll guess: "mors semper vincit" or "mors ad finem vincit" for "death wins in the end" Or something.
The phrasing most often used is Mors omnia vincit.
Well, that means "death takes everyone". Just a slight difference in meaning.
Hey thanks everyone
'Death Takes Everyone', that's alright too, I like it.