A Lone Voice wrote:Time after time, they have been on the wrong side of history.
Wow...imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Thank you.
As you know, I have on several occasions called conservative attention to the fact that American conservatives have been on the wrong side of every major issue this country has ever faced.
And they have.
But...as I said, imitation...
Quote:I do respect those peace activists who despise any type of warfare; my comments are not related to them. But those Dem who 'protest' every war while a Repub is in office, while cheering every military action Clinton took, are only interested, no, obsessed with, Dems regaining power.
Not my fight.
I'm not a Dem...and I am only interested in doing what is best for this country...and the world. If I were to vote to retain George Bush and this group of incompetents...I'd be failing in both on both counts.
Quote:There is a reason that the presidency, both houses of Congress, and most governors are Repub, and you guys can't stand it....... "
Same answer.
I can see that you understand that blind partisanship sucks.
Try to apply it!
Quote:Frank, as firmly as you believe those who are voting for Bush are only doing so for partisan reasons, there are many people who feel that Dems are protesting the war out of partisanship in trying to get Kerry elected.
How about this take on your comment?
Is this about two wrongs making a right?
As for the war...in my opinion, it is one of the most misguided misadventures ever undertaken by this country...and the ramifications will haunt presidents of both parties for decades to come.
Quote:And I am simply begging those people who are advancing the causes of John Kerry and liberalism ...to put the good of your country and the world first.
And I am observing that people not willing to put their country (and the world) before their partisanship and their ideology...
...simply have no love for their country.
No you're not.
What you are actually doing is using my words, which you apparently see as having value, to make an opposite point.
You get credit from me for borrowing the words. I thank you for that compliment. But you get a heavy debit for abusing them. Bush and company are the bottom of the barrel.
Quote:I think Bush made the call he had to make, based on the intelligence he received.
I appears this decision was made long before he received the intelligence...and I dare say he would have manufactured other reasons to do it if he had to. But apparently the word went out about what he and these neo-con screwballs wanted to hear...and it was fed to him.
Nobody wants to tell the emperor he has no clothes.
Quote:A liberal who vacillates on his thoughts and beliefs, simply to tell voters what they want to hear, scares me much more then Bush.
I much prefer a person for whom questions of great moment cause a great deal of consternation...and a bit of vacillating. And I think the charge of Kerry's vacillation is much overdone.
I think you conservatives would be able to overlook lots of that stuff if the situation were reversed...just as you are so easy to overlook stuff like Vietnam service and drug use...which seemed to consume you people when Clinton was the one under the microscope.
I consider the conservative position during this campaign an instance of hypocrisy so glaring, I am surprise you people can see the sun shining.
Quote:I know you are not a partisan, liberal Democrat, Frank. But every person who decides to vote for Bush is not a right-wing, partisan Republican. I would think you would know this, based on your own belief system.....
No...some people have been duped.
Not the first time that has happened...and it may not be the last.
But if this group wins next month...all bets are off.