Kerry's Top Ten Flip-Flops

Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 12:40 pm
And the best one from Ann Coulter:

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

How's THAT for terrorist recruitment around the world?

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Joe Republican
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 12:40 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
"The good part of being a Democrat is that you can commit crimes, sell out your base, bomb foreigners, and rape women, and the Democratic faithful will still think you're the greatest."

"Indeed, an attack on America by fanatical Muslims had finally provided liberals with a religion they could respect."

"Liberals hate America, they hate 'flag-wavers', they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam (post 9/11). Even terrorists don't hate America like liberals do."

Courtesy of the utter hatred from the mouth of Ann Coulter

Ann that ignorant slut is up to it again I see Smile
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 12:42 pm
I am sure every terrorist around the world reads Coulters column religiously. I think that's what they holler from the towers at prayer time. A translation of Coulter so everyone can appreciate it.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 12:44 pm
I think there is some global warming going on in this forum. Is everyone just hot under the collar in anticipation of the debates?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 12:45 pm
A Lone Voice wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Anyone who votes to continue this pathetic administration in office has absolutely no love of country...nor pride in it.

Frank, you sound like one of those frumpy 1960's government bureaucrats who told the anti-war protesters:

"America, love it or leave it." Smile

You may feel anyone who votes for Bush is stupid, a moron, bald, fat, an idiot, and lousy at golf.

But to question one's love of country is somewhat shrill, isn't it?


Not in this case.

Bush and company are destroying our country.

I could not care less if some voters are stupid, bald, fat, or lousy at gold...but I do care if they have enough love of country to put aside partisanship and ideology to do what is right.

And "what is right" at the moment is getting these people out of office before the damage they are doing becomes unrectifiable.

I'm not being shrill at all, LV...

...I am begging you people who advancing the cause of George Bush and conservatism...to put the good of your country and the world first.

And I am observing that people not willing to put their country (and the world) before their partisanship and their ideology...

...simply have no love of country.

Try to think of it like you would think of a doctor telling you you have cancer.

You don't want to hear it...and that is understandable...but not only should you listen to and consider it...you should act on it.

What say?

Don't vote for Bush???
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 01:10 pm
MCM the reason that Kerry's voting record is not discussed too much on your thread is because you brought nothing new to the table that has not already been gone over. Kerry himself answers those questions if you go to one of his websites.
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Joe Republican
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 01:15 pm
McGentrix wrote:
I am sure every terrorist around the world reads Coulters column religiously. I think that's what they holler from the towers at prayer time. A translation of Coulter so everyone can appreciate it.

I think her views come right from the Koran. . . Or maybe not, I actually heard this on a radio station this morning, Kerry and Kennedy were secretly funding and profusing the Koran's ideals by calling out Bush. It's so hipocritical, it's absolutely laughable.

What people have to realize is that the Neo-cons are no more republican then Kerry. They're so right, they're left. Actually, they're a form of the most detistable species known in American politics, the Libral Republican. They spend like a drunken sailor, yet they're socially retarted. A true contradiction to my point of view, a conservative democrat. A small government, small but focused social programs ment to help Americans get back on their feet, not to abuse the system.
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A Lone Voice
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 01:39 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

...I am begging you people who advancing the cause of George Bush and conservatism...to put the good of your country and the world first.

And I am observing that people not willing to put their country (and the world) before their partisanship and their ideology...

...simply have no love of country.

Try to think of it like you would think of a doctor telling you you have cancer.

You don't want to hear it...and that is understandable...but not only should you listen to and consider it...you should act on it.

What say?

Don't vote for Bush???

As I stated on a different thread:

"Interesting. I have a theory about why Dems sometimes start wringing their hands and calling for "peace": They are out of power and they can't stand it.

They are against Bush now, they were against Bush Sr. at the start of Gulf War 1, they were fervent in their opposition against Reagan fighting the Cold War.

Time after time, they have been on the wrong side of history.

I do respect those peace activists who despise any type of warfare; my comments are not related to them. But those Dem who 'protest' every war while a Repub is in office, while cheering every military action Clinton took, are only interested, no, obsessed with, Dems regaining power.

There is a reason that the presidency, both houses of Congress, and most governors are Repub, and you guys can't stand it....... "

Frank, as firmly as you believe those who are voting for Bush are only doing so for partisan reasons, there are many people who feel that Dems are protesting the war out of partisanship in trying to get Kerry elected.

How about this take on your comment?

And I am simply begging those people who are advancing the causes of John Kerry and liberalism ...to put the good of your country and the world first.

And I am observing that people not willing to put their country (and the world) before their partisanship and their ideology...

...simply have no love for their country.

I think Bush made the call he had to make, based on the intelligence he received. A liberal who vacillates on his thoughts and beliefs, simply to tell voters what they want to hear, scares me much more then Bush.

I know you are not a partisan, liberal Democrat, Frank. But every person who decides to vote for Bush is not a right-wing, partisan Republican. I would think you would know this, based on your own belief system.....
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 01:59 pm
And every person who is voting for Kerry is not a leftwing liberal, either.

Boy, where does one start with your one-sided partisan screed?

Bottom line: I love my country TOO much to allow another four years of George Bush, a concept which you rightwingers continuously fail to even remotely understand. And there are quite a few of us out there. And the reason have NOTHING to do with partisanship. It has EVERYTHING to do with abject failure by this administration.

When we protested against this BS war in Iraq, we weren't doing it under the guise of a bunch of peace mongers. We were doing it because we knew what would happen if we DID invade Iraq, and now that we have, ALL of our worst fears have come to fruition, and it's worse than we could have ever realized.

I suggest you look at everything the peace mongers said before the war and during the war, and what this administration has said about this war, ESPECIALLY NOW, and then let us see if you can honestly blame us for getting it so right.

Then, perhaps, you can explain how this administration got it so horribly wrong.

I guess Dems were on the wrong side of history in WWII.

Please, don't question OUR patriotism towards this country. We were against this war from day one, and predicted EVERYTHING that's happening right now. THAT, is patriotism. And we have a constitutional RIGHT to bring forth any grievances we may have towards our government.

Try reading it once in awhile, then offer us a more substantive debate without accusing us on the Left of being against America.

I would argue that it is YOU who are against America, our Constitution, and everything we have FOUGHT for in defending it.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:06 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
I would argue that it is YOU who are against America, our Constitution, and everything we have FOUGHT for in defending it.

I sure wish we had more veterans and active service personnel on this website to debate with Dooks. Maybe she'd get it then.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:08 pm
I am still trying to figure out why Dookie hates the innocent people in Iraq so much.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:10 pm
Why do any of us?

You might say that you don't, but you support the guy who decided that killing 20k of them was the way to go for the world. You are just as guilty as those whose ideas you espouse, McG.

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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:12 pm
First off, I'm not a she. Secondly, many of the veterans I see are homeless and are watching their benefits getting cut by Bush. Thirdly, I'm hearing more active personnel being against this war, but unfortunately, if they try to offer an opinion in a public forum, they are either being reprimanded or court martialed.

Which is probably why you wish there were more veterans and active service personnel on this website.

What is it I don't get, cjhsa?
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:14 pm
Me? I love the people of Iraq! I love them so much that I want them to be able to raise their children in a world where terrorism is a thing of the past and no evil dictator will ever feed their children in to wood shredders or dip them in vats of acid feet first.

I love them so much I want them to be able to experience the same type of freedoms that I do.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:15 pm

I don't hate ANY of the innocent people in Iraq, you poor, misguided fool. I hate the fact that we're killing them with our own bombs, and have created an atmosphere of death and destruction by turning Iraq into the new recruiting center for Al Qaeda.

Wasn't it you rightwingers who argued that Bush's intent was to bring the terrorists THERE rather than on OUR soil so that we can fight them?

Those poor, innocent Iraqi people.

I can't believe the utter stupidity on these threads sometime.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:17 pm
Neither can I dooks, neither can I.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:19 pm
Dookiestix wrote:

I don't hate ANY of the innocent people in Iraq, you poor, misguided fool. I hate the fact that we're killing them with our own bombs, and have created an atmosphere of death and destruction by turning Iraq into the new recruiting center for Al Qaeda.

Wasn't it you rightwingers who argued that Bush's intent was to bring the terrorists THERE rather than on OUR soil so that we can fight them?

Those poor, innocent Iraqi people.

I can't believe the utter stupidity on these threads sometime.

Indeed, it seems that you have posted in most of them.

You say you protested the war in Iraq, therefore you must hate the people in Iraq Saddam tortured and killed, becuase you wanted him to stay in power. That was the alternative. Either we invade and remove him from power, or we leave him in power and the UN lifts the sanctions.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:19 pm
I love them so much I want them to be able to experience the same type of freedoms that I do.

I guess you love them enough to have the terrorists fight our dwindling troops over in THEIR country, where just today @ 30 innocent children were killed by terrorist bombs.
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Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:20 pm
The terrorists obviously hate the Iraqi people with the same vigor.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2004 02:40 pm
A Lone Voice wrote:
Time after time, they have been on the wrong side of history.

Wow...imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Thank you.

As you know, I have on several occasions called conservative attention to the fact that American conservatives have been on the wrong side of every major issue this country has ever faced.

And they have.

But...as I said, imitation...

I do respect those peace activists who despise any type of warfare; my comments are not related to them. But those Dem who 'protest' every war while a Repub is in office, while cheering every military action Clinton took, are only interested, no, obsessed with, Dems regaining power.

Not my fight.

I'm not a Dem...and I am only interested in doing what is best for this country...and the world. If I were to vote to retain George Bush and this group of incompetents...I'd be failing in both on both counts.

There is a reason that the presidency, both houses of Congress, and most governors are Repub, and you guys can't stand it....... "

Same answer.

I can see that you understand that blind partisanship sucks.

Try to apply it!

Frank, as firmly as you believe those who are voting for Bush are only doing so for partisan reasons, there are many people who feel that Dems are protesting the war out of partisanship in trying to get Kerry elected.

How about this take on your comment?

Is this about two wrongs making a right?

As for the war...in my opinion, it is one of the most misguided misadventures ever undertaken by this country...and the ramifications will haunt presidents of both parties for decades to come.

And I am simply begging those people who are advancing the causes of John Kerry and liberalism ...to put the good of your country and the world first.

And I am observing that people not willing to put their country (and the world) before their partisanship and their ideology...

...simply have no love for their country.

No you're not.

What you are actually doing is using my words, which you apparently see as having value, to make an opposite point.

You get credit from me for borrowing the words. I thank you for that compliment. But you get a heavy debit for abusing them. Bush and company are the bottom of the barrel.

I think Bush made the call he had to make, based on the intelligence he received.

I appears this decision was made long before he received the intelligence...and I dare say he would have manufactured other reasons to do it if he had to. But apparently the word went out about what he and these neo-con screwballs wanted to hear...and it was fed to him.

Nobody wants to tell the emperor he has no clothes.

A liberal who vacillates on his thoughts and beliefs, simply to tell voters what they want to hear, scares me much more then Bush.

I much prefer a person for whom questions of great moment cause a great deal of consternation...and a bit of vacillating. And I think the charge of Kerry's vacillation is much overdone.

I think you conservatives would be able to overlook lots of that stuff if the situation were reversed...just as you are so easy to overlook stuff like Vietnam service and drug use...which seemed to consume you people when Clinton was the one under the microscope.

I consider the conservative position during this campaign an instance of hypocrisy so glaring, I am surprise you people can see the sun shining.

I know you are not a partisan, liberal Democrat, Frank. But every person who decides to vote for Bush is not a right-wing, partisan Republican. I would think you would know this, based on your own belief system.....

No...some people have been duped.

Not the first time that has happened...and it may not be the last.

But if this group wins next month...all bets are off.
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