timberlandko wrote:kuvasz, in all respect, partner, you have no idea what I may or may not have read. Cutting to the chase, and reducing to a few words what I've posted on any number of threads here in the past, from what I have read, which includes the avvailable transcripts of and decisions in the pertinant legal actions, by existing law the Democrats proceded with an invalidly founded legal challenge, a challenge premised on multiple juridical errors, a challenge supportable neither by statute state or federal nor by any established precedent, thereby dooming their pursuit from the start. Further, by preponderance of evidence including independent recounts, exit polling, the results of other contests presented on the same ballot, and both pre-and-post election opinion polling, the Democrats contention that their party's candidate suffered from undercount is absurd on its face.
You want "Stupid"? I'll give you "Stupid". "Stupid" is to persist with a repeatedly demonstrated inneffective course of action in expectation of improved result. That's what "Stupid" is.
I would not presume for a nanosecond that you took the time to corroborate the remarks I redacted from the same NY Times article where John Fund used an out of context quote to re-write history. Truth, to John Fund, and apparently you is but an inconvenience, useful only when it has suited your purposes.
Nevertheless, right you are Timber, you have indeed illustrated in previous posts your anti-democratic attitude and disdain for the rule of law when it comes to people you deem unfit for possessing inherent human rights.
What causes one to consider the political disenfranchisement of his fellow citizens a trivial and acceptable matter and their efforts to gain their rights by petitioning the government for securing such rights unacceptable such that you willing resort to insidious lies about their efforts?
What are you thinking; that no one will challenge your repugnant remarks about how Democrats are currently lying cheating and stealing to win elections? There is a 2-ton elephant in the room painted with GOP on its side, yet you ignore the evidence that undermines your ideologically driven position.
There is too much available evidence that it is the Republican Party and its highly paid thugs who are attempting to steal elections.
Even this week reports from the press indicate that the GOP is again up to its old shenanigans.
"Civil rights organizations have cataloged numerous tactics aimed at suppressing black voter turnout. Polls consistently find that black Americans overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.
"There are individuals and officials who are actively trying to stop people from voting who they think will vote against their party and that nearly always means stopping black people from voting Democratic," said Mary Frances Berry, head of the U.S. Commission on Human Rights.
"Vicky Beasley, a field officer for People for the American Way, listed some of the ways voters have been "discouraged" from voting.
"In elections in Baltimore in 2002 and in Georgia last year, black voters were sent fliers saying anyone who hadn't paid utility bills or had outstanding parking tickets or were behind on their rent would be arrested at polling stations. It happens in every election cycle," she said.
"In a mayoral election in Philadelphia last year, people pretending to be plainclothes police officers stood outside some polling stations asking people to identify themselves. There have also been reports of mysterious people videotaping people waiting in line to vote in black neighborhoods.
"Minority voters may be deterred from voting simply by election officials demanding to see drivers' licenses before handing them a ballot, according to Spencer Overton, who teaches law at George Washington University. The federal government does not require people to produce a photo identification unless they are first-time voters who registered by mail.
"African Americans are four to five times less likely than whites to have a photo ID," Overton said at a recent briefing on minority disenfranchisement.
"Courtenay Strickland of the Americans Civil Liberties Union testified to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights last week that at a primary election in Florida last month, many people were wrongly turned away when they could not produce identification. The commission, in a report earlier this year, said that in Florida, where President Bush won a bitterly disputed election in 2000 by 537 votes, black voters had been 10 times more likely than non-black voters to have their ballots rejected and were often prevented from voting because their names were erroneously purged from registration lists."
The Democrats remain, as in all things nefarious, still generations behind the Republican Party in attempts to sabotage elections; and specifically the recount of the Florida vote in 2000.
Shall we stroll down memory lane a bit to the facts, and take a gander at the Miami "Brooks Brothers Riot" where your pro-active Republican friends attempted to intimidate election officials in Florida in November 2000?
Nice group of Brown Shirts you have there, none from Florida, all shipped in at GOP Party cost, and all loyal to their GOP paymasters.
After the Miami "Brooks Brothers Riot" - named after the protesters' preppie clothing - no government action was taken beyond the police rescuing several Democrats who were surrounded and roughed up by the rioters. While no legal charges were filed against the Republicans, documents released in 2002 showed that at least Bush's recount committee paid a half dozen of the publicly identified rioters.
The payments to the Republican activists are documented in hundreds of pages of Bush committee records - released grudgingly to the Internal Revenue Service, 19 months after the 36-day recount battle ended. Overall, the records provide a road map of how the Bush recount team brought its operatives across state lines to stop then-Vice President Al Gore's recount efforts.
The records show that the Bush committee spent a total of $13.8 million to frustrate the recount of Florida's votes and secure the state's crucial electoral votes for Bush. By contrast, the Gore recount operation spent $3.2 million, about one quarter of the Bush total. Bush spent more just on lawyers - $4.4 million - than Gore did on his entire effort.
That would seem to undermine the thrust of your remarks about how those damned Democrats are always attempting to use the judiciary to get what they want, especially when the GOP outspent the Democrats 4 to 1 on lawyers fees.
You can find the records by searching here.
Of the 12 Republican operatives who took part in the Miami riot. Half of those individuals received payments from the Bush recount committee, according to the IRS records.
The Miami protesters who were paid by Bush recount committee were: Matt Schlapp, a Bush staffer who was based in Austin and received $4,276.09; Thomas Pyle, a staff aide to House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, $456; Michael Murphy, a DeLay fund-raiser, $935.12; Garry Malphrus, House majority chief counsel to the House Judiciary subcommittee on criminal justice, $330; Charles Royal, a legislative aide to Rep. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. $391.80; and Kevin Smith, a former GOP House staffer, $373.23.
Three of the Miami protesters are now members of Bush's White House staff, the Miami Herald reported last month. They include Schlapp, who is now a special assistant to the president; Malphrus, who is now deputy director of the president's Domestic Policy Council; and Joel Kaplan, another special assistant to the president. [See Miami Herald, July 14, 2002]
The Bush committee records show, too, that Bush's operation paid for the hotel where the Republican protesters celebrated after the Miami riot at a Thanksgiving Day party. At the party, the activists received thank-you phone calls from Bush and Cheney.
Despite the use of intimidation to influence actions by election officials, Bush and his top aides remained publicly silent about these disruptive tactics. The Washington Post reported that "even as the Bush campaign and the Republicans portray themselves as above the fray," national Republicans actually had joined in and helped finance the raucous protests. [Washington Post, Nov. 27, 2000]
The Wall Street Journal added more details, including the fact that Bush offered personal words of encouragement to the rioters in a conference call to a Bush campaign-sponsored celebration on the night of Thanksgiving Day, one day after the canvassing board assault.
"The night's highlight was a conference call from Mr. Bush and running mate Dick Cheney, which included joking reference by both running mates to the incident in Miami, two [Republican] staffers in attendance say," according to the Journal. [Nov. 27, 2000]
The Journal also reported that national Republican operatives led the assault on the canvassing board "on all expense-paid trips, courtesy of the Bush campaign." After their success in Dade, the rioters moved on to Broward, where the protests remained unruly but failed to stop that count.
The Journal noted that "behind the rowdy rallies in South Florida this past weekend was a well-organized effort by Republican operatives to entice supporters to South Florida," with DeLay's Capitol Hill office taking charge of the recruitment.
About 200 Republican congressional staffers signed on, the Journal reported. They were put up at hotels, given $30 a day for food and "an invitation to an exclusive Thanksgiving Day party in Fort Lauderdale," the article said.
The Journal said there was no evidence of a similar Democratic strategy to fly in national party operatives. "This has allowed the Republicans to quickly gain the upper hand, protest-wise," the Journal said.
The Bush campaign also worked to conceal its hand. "Staffers who joined the effort say there has been an air of mystery to the operation. "To tell you the truth, nobody knows who is calling the shots," says one aide. Many nights, often very late, a memo is slipped underneath the hotel-room doors outlining coming events," the Journal reported.
The Brooks Brothers Riot represented an escalation of violent tactics, demonstrating the potential for spiraling political violence if the recount battle dragged on. The Republicans were putting down a marker that they were prepared to do what was necessary to win, regardless of what the voters had wanted.
That is your Party, Timber. It is a fascist and violent party.
As to John Fund and his willful distortions about the Florida recount:
Al Gore was the choice of Florida's voters -- whether one counts hanging chads or dimpled chads. That was the core finding of the eight news organizations that conducted a review of disputed Florida ballots. By any chad measure, Gore won.
News organizations unofficial Florida recount shows Al Gore with a net gain of 682 votes from the Miami Herald/USA Today examination of "overvotes" - those that counting machines had kicked out for registering more than one vote for president.
The belated discovery that George W. Bush's campaign applied two disparate standards for counting overseas ballots in Florida - liberal for Bush strongholds and stringent for counties carried by Al Gore - underscores again the huge advantage that the well-funded conservative news media gives the Republicans
The Washington Post discovered what critics of George W. Bush's "victory" have long alleged - that his 537-vote margin benefited from a host of irregularities, many traceable to his brother's administration or to post-election Republican maneuvering.