Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 07:53 am
DO NOT TARRY IN THE READING OF THIS AS IT MAY NOT BE HERE LONG... the hate group lurks just around the corner.

You have a unique opportunity here with a2K.

It should be viewed as a microcosm of what will occur in America if Hillary is elected president. You can already see it at the majority of our nation's universities where if you wear a hat that says, "Make America Great Again", it's considered hate speech and the hat will be physically ripped from your head. Think about that... Great now means Hate.

Not much different from the hate gang here at a2k... the ones who are allowed to spew they're leftist rhetoric message with impunity or continually break the rules by spamming numerous threads with their vitriol. Don't try that even a little bit if your thinking is to the right of the hate gang or you will feel the full weight of their oppressive jackboot.

The leftist, liberal, revisionist, progressives, led by a daily barrage from the liberal media, will seek first to curtail any speech, political or otherwise, that disagrees with their agenda.

Anyone not in lockstep with their way of thinking will be labeled racist, bigot, prejudice, homophobe, xenophobe, islamophobe...placed in the "basket" to be marginalized. You may still speak "freely" as long as your speech is correct (or corrected).

The effort at first will be incremental... are you familiar with the Frog who is put in a pot of hot water and will jump out, but if left in a pot of cold water with the temperature that raises slowly to the point of boil he will stay in it till he cooks?

The lie that is liberal embraces the notion that government knows what's best for the individual. The individualist is a danger to the Kollective. In order for the government to direct the Kollective they will need to emasculate the Constitution and its protections against governmental infringement of individual rights.

As Obama has done before her and as Hillary has stated, she will continue to rule by executive fiat, legislating from the Oval Office, eliminating separation of powers and checks and balances. At this point the line between her and Putin will be a matter of semantics... Or as Hillary would say, "What's the difference?"

Next will come your ability to defend yourself or your individual rights. Hillary will stack the court with jurists who will restrict your right to bear arms. Once done they have won. It is the Second Amendment that guarantees the security of the other nine.

Radical islamist terrorists, taking advantage of our stupidity and our blind acceptance of other cultures, will become commonplace in America and the norm will be improved explosive devices on our street corners as evidenced by the news this day. We will accept it as a way of life and then be no better than any third world Middle East Country. After all, what's a few individual lives balanced against the ideals of the ckollective?

I wonder how long it will take the hate group to delete this... That should be the word of the day... Delete. Hillary deletes evidence of her crimes, leftists delete any speech that offends their personal agenda... And So It Goes.

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Type: Discussion • Score: 9 • Views: 26,404 • Replies: 360

Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 07:54 am
Do you fell better now, after that?
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Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 08:10 am
You are going to look awfully foolish when this thread isn't deleted. (I don't think you understand what Free Speech means).

0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 08:14 am
I have a sincere question Guijohn.

I am another poster, like you, who gets a lot of flack for challenging the mainstream thought here. I am here because I enjoy a challenge. I also enjoy having my ideas challenged... if someone is able to show me a flaw in my argument, all the better for me. You don't seem to be enjoying the challenge, and you don't seem to be taking much care to make sure your arguments are solid before posting them. Actually, the enjoyment is the most important of the two.

If you are "sickened" by being here, then why do you do it to yourself? It is unlikely you are going to win anyone over. So if you are here, you are here for your own enjoyment or edification.

Why not have fun, dude.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 09:11 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 11:39 am
I know full well what free is and I understand fully that I do not have free speech here because primarily this is a privately owned site and therefore not subject to the first amendment... However... You would think even on a private site that people who are expressing political views would be allowed to do so fairly. I don't expect them to be fair because the majority of the people who control the site are obviously slanted far to the left.

It would be nice to be challenged on your ideas with facts and a cogent argument but instead anyone who disagrees with the leftists here or even has a slightly to the right opinion are immediately harangued with hysterical calls of racist bigot prejudice islamophobe homophobe xenophobe Etc., even when it should be obvious to any reasonable and prudent person that the post is Playing devil's advocate or asking a provocative question for the sake of political discourse.

And on top of that we have people like Bob who is obviously a moderator and has the ability to delete your posts or to lock down the thread and constantly spams the threads in violation of rule six. He will deny it vehemently but I have proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Of course Bob has deleted the proof.

And yes well I am sickened by the liberal-left. The reason I'm here is because a2K does have a wide audience and it is incumbent those of us who believe in fairness to not let the hate group dominate the conversation in hopes that some people who haven't formed an opinion will not align themselves with the haters but will keep an open mind.
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 11:51 am
Not much different from the hate gang here at a2k... the ones who are allowed to spew they're leftist rhetoric message with impunity or continually break the rules by spamming numerous threads with their vitriol. Don't try that even a little bit if your thinking is to the right of the hate gang or you will feel the full weight of their oppressive jackboot.

These aren't reasoned, balanced, objective remarks, they are strident rants, and tend to invite replies in the same vein. They are also laughably untrue.
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 12:11 pm
Spoken like a true liberal. The statements are patently factual. And I understand the only way that you can breathlessly and nervously counter them is to laugh.

Case in point, the biggest offender:

Slain Dallas Cop Might’ve Been A White Supremacist: Still A Hero

Bobsal thread.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 12:29 pm
It would be nice to be challenged on your ideas with facts and a cogent argument

Would you really appreciate if I challenged your ideas with facts and a cogent argument? Would you respond to me in kind (you can ignore Bobsal and the others if you like)?

I will be happy to do so as long as my efforts are appreciated.

Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 01:05 pm
You have proof except someone else's dog ate it? (Bob deleted your proof?)

That seems to be your standard excuse for everything you post here giujohn.

You have a world view and you feel don't have to defend that world view with any facts because you feel liberals are liars even if they provide provable facts that counter your fantasies. Your lack of factual evidence is always someone else's fault, usually the damn liberals.
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 01:33 pm
maxdancona wrote:
So if you are here, you are here for your own enjoyment or edification.

... or your own masochism.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 01:47 pm
That seems to be your standard excuse for everything you post here giujohn

Prove the statement.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 02:00 pm
Your on.

I am a conservative but deviates from that ideology on religion...I'm a convinced atheist. I'm for free choice on abortion as long as public funds don't pay for it. I am a textual constitutionalist who goes by the framers documented intent. I am a greedy capitalist.

I have to be proved wrong with repeatable verifiable indisputable facts...not opinion or histrionics. Barring the availability of a verifiable fact I will hold an opinion based on the reasonable and prudent man standard..."if it looks like a duck"...until proved otherwise.

How bout you?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 02:10 pm
parados wrote:

You have proof except someone else's dog ate it? (Bob deleted your proof?)

That seems to be your standard excuse for everything you post here giujohn.

You have a world view and you feel don't have to defend that world view with any facts because you feel liberals are liars even if they provide provable facts that counter your fantasies. Your lack of factual evidence is always someone else's fault, usually the damn liberals.

Answer me this...why when I post a couple of Hillary cartoons in:
The Future President, Donald Trump...is the thread locked but Bob can post vitriol with immunity?? Got an answer for that one???
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 04:42 pm
Liberalism is indeed bad news. But I am confident that we are witnessing the end of this demented ideology.

The Republicans are certain to hold the White House for the next five presidential terms. And when, in the distant future, the Democratic Party manages to return to the White House, it will only happen after the Democrats purge their party of liberalism and nominate a leader similar to Mr. Trump.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 05:36 pm
I love that in Gooey's world free speech doesn't allow for people to argue against what he is saying.

I wonder if he wanders in Alt-Right circles?
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 05:50 pm

Answer me this...why when I post a couple of Hillary cartoons in:
The Future President, Donald Trump...is the thread locked

The thread isn't locked. I see your cartoons there.

What exactly are you complaining about? Something that didn't happen?

Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 06:01 pm
Glue has proven he is a conservative in his previous post in which he stated his beliefs. The only one that threw me was his acknowledging a woman's right to abortion. I thought he would want them sent to the chair.
Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 07:21 pm
giujohn wrote:

It should be viewed as a microcosm of what will occur in America if Hillary is elected president. You can already see it at the majority of our nation's universities where if you wear a hat that says, "Make America Great Again", it's considered hate speech and the hat will be physically ripped from your head. Think about that... Great now means Hate.

Not much different from the hate gang here at a2k... the ones who are allowed to spew they're leftist rhetoric message with impunity or continually break the rules by spamming numerous threads with their vitriol. Don't try that even a little bit if your thinking is to the right of the hate gang or you will feel the full weight of their oppressive jackboot.

The leftist, liberal, revisionist, progressives, led by a daily barrage from the liberal media, will seek first to curtail any speech, political or otherwise, that disagrees with their agenda.

Anyone not in lockstep with their way of thinking will be labeled racist, bigot, prejudice, homophobe, xenophobe, islamophobe...placed in the "basket" to be marginalized. You may still speak "freely" as long as your speech is correct (or corrected).

The effort at first will be incremental... are you familiar with the Frog who is put in a pot of hot water and will jump out, but if left in a pot of cold water with the temperature that raises slowly to the point of boil he will stay in it till he cooks?

The lie that is liberal embraces the notion that government knows what's best for the individual. The individualist is a danger to the Kollective. In order for the government to direct the Kollective they will need to emasculate the Constitution and its protections against governmental infringement of individual rights.

As Obama has done before her and as Hillary has stated, she will continue to rule by executive fiat, legislating from the Oval Office, eliminating separation of powers and checks and balances. At this point the line between her and Putin will be a matter of semantics... Or as Hillary would say, "What's the difference?"

Next will come your ability to defend yourself or your individual rights. Hillary will stack the court with jurists who will restrict your right to bear arms. Once done they have won. It is the Second Amendment that guarantees the security of the other nine.

Radical islamist terrorists, taking advantage of our stupidity and our blind acceptance of other cultures, will become commonplace in America and the norm will be improved explosive devices on our street corners as evidenced by the news this day. We will accept it as a way of life and then be no better than any third world Middle East Country. After all, what's a few individual lives balanced against the ideals of the ckollective?

I wonder how long it will take the hate group to delete this... That should be the word of the day... Delete. Hillary deletes evidence of her crimes, leftists delete any speech that offends their personal agenda... And So It Goes.

Ok, let me try to address what I think are the main points in your post. The first point I will make is important (about the difference between opinion and fact)/ I will state my opinion and clearly label it as such. As a rule I try very hard not to make personal attacks or call names, I will hold myself to this standard throughout what I hope is a rational and respectful discussion.

1) There is a difference between subjective opinion and objective fact. If someone says "Hillary is a bigot", we should understand that this is a subjective opinion. There is no mathematical test on bigotry or common agreement across political lines on what behavior or words entail "bigotry".

Saying "several things that Hillary said contradicted the FBI report" is a statement of facts. It is important to keep the two separate. You can talk about facts and argue over the interpretation of facts. Arguing over subjective opinions isn't always a good use of time.

2) I don't really get your point about being able to "speak freely as long as your speech is correct". I don't see where anyone is being prevented from speaking freely either in public life, or here in Able2know. Media is not always fair... but the media are private organizations that for better or worse put their own spin on things without government interference. I think this is the best way to run an independent media, although it will always mean that people are upset when their side isn't represented fairly.

Am I missing something here?

3) I disagree with your view of the second Amendment. I certainly don't agree that the second amendment defends all the other rights... I feel the first Amendment is far more important. I suppose we will disagree on this basic point... I don't see how either of us will convince the other.

4) I disagree with your definition of what it means to be liberal. Given that it is conservatives who want the government to enforce laws restricting abortion, marriage and the hiring of immigrants... I don't think your definition fits at all.

I am a government moderate. I want the government to step in where it is the most efficient way for us to solve a problem. I want the government to stay out where individual rights are involved. There is sometimes a conflict between these two... which is why we have a political system to work these things out.

5) I have heard the argument that Obama has ruled by executive fiat. I have looked at the data and I don't believe there is any way to make the argument that Obama has used executive power more than other presidents.

This is a case where we can look at numbers of executive orders written by different presidents. Do you believe that this is a good way to resolve this issue? Or can you suggest an objective way to answer the question of whether Obama has used executive power more than other presidents (see George Bush or Ronald Reagan).

6) I don't see any evidence that our "blind acceptance of other cultures" will lead to terrorism. Quite the contrary, the countries that have been less accepting of other cultures have had greater problems with terrorism.

This has been an argument in the United States over the past 100 years. We have had fear of Jews, the Irish, Italians, Chinese, Japanese and now Muslims. Each of these groups have caused fear (particularly Jews, the Japanese and Italians). They were all incorporated into the US very successfully and we are a better country (in my opinion) for it.

The threat of terrorism remains extremely low in the US. Most years there are more deaths from dog bites than from terrorism (of any type). This is a true statistic that I can show you.

7) I have given you a bunch to chew on. I have given it to you, appealing to reason, without any name-calling, personal attacks. I invite you to try the same.

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