did I splutter? can you point that out to me?
and ball busters are merely women who haven't the skills or talents to handle balls...which I'm sure doesn't apply to lash........
plain truth is, after many years and many interactions with many women I have learned one undeniable lesson....pussy's pussy....... the only difference is in the desirableness of the life support system built around it.......
panzade wrote:Hey wait! Before you skeddaddle Montana, I have to explain. My respect for Sofia is boundless...I just never got a chance to tell her. Anyone that can make BiBear splutter is goood.
Kiss-kiss Sofia?
LOL Panzade. I was responding to the origional question :wink:
Yeah, and I was feeling guilty. My teasing was out of line.
Sofia, Bear; I am contrite.
panzade wrote:Yeah, and I was feeling guilty. My teasing was out of line.
Sofia, Bear; I am contrite.
Yeah, well don't ask me to spank you you rascule....that would be sophia's department.... :wink:
Hmmm. The Lash...leather thighs...
panzade wrote:Hmmm. The Lash...leather thighs...
dammit panzade...now I have to go lie back down........
up down...up down...it's a wonder you have any time to post.
panzade wrote:up down...up down...it's a wonder you have any time to post.
multi tasker....I can switch hands and gain a stroke.....that's how good I am......
I'm not worthy I'm not worthy!
I'll leave you to your stroke.
This thread has been very helpful.
I had thought panzade was a woman. (Not based on anything, but an avatar that looked like a female playing the guitar.) Of course, my vision isn't what it used to be...
OK, quickly, everyone give your descriptions of a ball-buster. I'm polling to see how angry I should be...
Lash wrote:This thread has been very helpful.
I had thought panzade was a woman. (Not based on anything, but an avatar that looked like a female playing the guitar.) Of course, my vision isn't what it used to be...
OK, quickly, everyone give your descriptions of a ball-buster. I'm polling to see how angry I should be...
read for context baby....... :wink:
and no animosity between the bear and the lash/sophie......wll maybe a little heated disagreement on politics occasionally..........
None at all.
I defend myself against this charge. I realize balls are incredibly sensitive, and are the control panel of men. I handle them with exquisite tenderness, erotic creativity and talent. Have never busted a pair--
Lash wrote:None at all.
I defend myself against this charge. I realize balls are incredibly sensitive, and are the control panel of men. I handle them with exquisite tenderness, erotic creativity and talent. Have never busted a pair--
ahh....a true talent....Salude!!!!!
My antlers are twitching, is it rutting season already?
extra medium wrote:Bi-Polar,
fyi-I hereby retract everything I said about you possibly not being perpetual teenager on the Perpetual Teenager? Thread.
well, am I to be insulted or feel complimented?
I'll say its sort of twisted compliment.
I'll leave it to the ladies to insult you, they appear quite qualified to do so.
why oh why would the ladies insult me for some light hearted fun? they know I love 'em.....bears play well....like bears.......