Sat 18 Sep, 2004 02:48 pm
Question for Mexicans only.
If for some reason United States decided to take over Mexico, how many Mexicans would actually pick a gun and fight them?
I am asking this because so many of them want to run away into United States anyway. Also, let's not debate whether United States would actually do that, that is a separate discussion.
You got this thing for war suka? Stupid questions.
Aw Suka! Let's be sure Mexico has'nt already taken over the US. Slow night Suk-doggie?
They don't absolutelly abandon their country.
So they send money home, as well as American companies do. Try another kind of question.
I canm't believe youpeople have reacted so negatively's a's one we could win easily.....people would be killed, it's a staging area to invade central and eventully south america which has oil's got everything you like....why aren't you happy with this suggestion?
Didn't we already have this discussion... say 150 years ago?
BTW, the Mexicans did fight.
Vietnam would be like a stroll in the park.
No kidding.
And our Fifth Column would be all around you. You wouldn't feel safe even in the deepest Wyoming.
BTW, It would be just great to shoot you right in the balls, suka!
suka, you've been served...
The "success" in Iraq has gone to the neocons heads
Hey fbaezer,
I've been wanting to make this offer for a long time now. Do you guys want Texas back?
We could throw in Oklahoma has sweetener but you've gotta take their congressional delegation.
I'm just wondering how you'd be able to intern several million Latinos like you mob did the Japanese-Americans in WW2. Course, many of them might enjoy the increase in their living standards.
edgarblythe, nah, Texas is part of Aztlan.
Acquiunk, Oklahoma? Not even as sweetener! Keep it.
Mr. Stillwater, I'm not that sure about the supposed increase in the living standards. You can ask Cicerone Imposter about it. He said he was interned during WWII.
Suka, I'm still waiting for ya!
Hey, fbaezer! What if we offered to make you the 51st-82nd States and you put it on your ballad as an option. Of course, it would include full State rights and the appropriate number of congressional reps and electoral votes from each of your States, 62 Senators, etc. What percentage of the population do you think would vote for this option? I'm just curious.
A slim minority would favor that option, Occom Bill. Perhaps I exagerate if I say 15 to 20%. Maybe less.
Occom Bill, I found some polling data by Mitofsky, might be of interest:
On february 2003:
22.5% of Mexicans would like to live in the US, if given the chance (75.1% said no, not even if given the chance; 2.3% not sure).
24.8% like us to be neighbors; 36,3% don't like it.
20.9% feel close to the American way of being; 68% feel far -that is, very different-; 9.2% feel neither far nor close.
15% say they hate the US; 50% say they like/love the US; 35% say they neither hate nor like/love the US.
51% say they admire the US; 9% say they envy the US; the rest had no opinion.
Thank you for the quick response and awesome stats! I would have guessed higher than
you. I believe the people of both nations would prosper as one larger nation... and would like to see the Americas all come together as one, in route to becoming a United Planet, to the mutual benefit of us all. I actually think we should start with smaller, poorer Nations, like Haiti perhaps... only if they're interested mind you, to put an end to the hopelessness so many of their people face. It seems like the logical evolution of humankind but I guess I underestimate national pride.
I'd be curious at the percentage guesses from citizens of other nations too.
I also believe in some integration process, Occom Bill. I believe our mutual border should be seen more like a bridge that like a fence. Same with Canada. But several generations will pass -and should pass- before we can talk about something more serious. A lot of mutual cooperating, and a lot of mending has got to be done.
Nafta is on its way. So are the many cultural and personal exchanges between our two peoples: neighbors, allies and friends, as I see them.
Anglo children break piƱatas. Mexican children trick or treat. We share many fundamental values. Communications make a smaller world and we are bound, by geography, history and personal, familiar and historical links to remain together.
Certainly, there is some "antimperialist" -actually anti-US- sentiment here, fueled by the Mexican extreme left, but also by the American right and arrogant birdbrains like suka.
Agreed. I don't know the exact stats, but I don't think it would be long before there was a Latin majority if we did merge... if it wasn't instantaneous. The bigots here would lose their minds!