Chuckster wrote:Pots calling kettles black. It's all a"big conspiracy" by big government and big corporate fat cats. Love it or leave it kiddies. Move to Russia.
How about I work to change it instead chuckster? Are you willing to help, or is it easier just to call both kettles black, and hope that the big government and big corporate fat cats will throw some of the table scraps to you.
Honestly this is the most rediculous argument out there. Anyone who
seriously supports that opinion should be the ones moving. Democracy is something you have to work for. If your too lazy to take part and take control of it then you shouldn't also be reaping the benefits of those who are.
( "Seriously" bolded because I would like to belive that Chuckster doesn't
seriously belive that. Yeah..... I'm one of those guys who still belives in the inherant goodness of people.)